
I love to watch hand tools being used. The only machine shown was a band saw. Thanks for the post-Casey.

I would probably wait and see the new Vaio laptop, pad combo before I made a decision on a new computer. It looks like a killer and Sony quality is also a big part of the deal.

I noticed a LIFE poster on your bullition board, so I'm assuming you know about brainpickings.com?

It's OK to be a perv with your beloved. You have an obvious perv problem. Lol

I guess you should buy your wife something every day then.

Flickr gives you an option.

Mother Nature says, who's next motherfuckers!

P.S. My T is on the way.

Thanks Alan

You dance with the stars, Alan

Oxy for me! WOW!!!


Why not? A recording of your voice and a photo of your eye shouldn't be that hard to obtain.

Last Pass has been a real timesaver, but this sounds good.

You work in a cedar chest that's cold in the winter and hot in the summer. I'm guessing you're out of that room often and sitting on a couch rather than that horrible chair. How's your back?

Bastards. This is really hard to believe, death would be preferable. Our prison system needs reforming now.

I've been haveing a lot of problems also. I think Google has written Chrome off the books.

...and while you at it keep you genes in your jeans.

Seems no matter how many facts people are given they insist on ignoring them no matter the consequences to themselves or others, the predictions of McLuhan are here now. The media has turned the screws on all of us.

I use super glue all the time and just wipe the applicator after using, No problems