
I assume you have tried it?

Enjoy your life because it goes on for a very short time, and you're going to be dead for a long, long, long, long time.

You have a problem. It involves douches. Seek help.

They make them short so women can use them. A man is susceptible to heart attacks while shoveling snow.

WOW!! I'll bet the attackers are scared shitless.

If Examine.com told me that today was Tuesday, I'd go check my calendar.

Thanks Mario!


This site is a great place to have fun and perhaps make a few brighter people think more than halfway through a problem. It's amazing how people think just far enough to justify themselves and then just stop at that point.

Ok then just pull it over your head and make everybody happy.

A smarter move would be to have someone romp in the bed with you. If you win I'll do it regardless of you sex. Kiss kiss

Save an extra sawbuck and you can take your girlfriend on a vacation also.

Just turn it inside out when not wearing the dumb watch. The other side to when wearing it.

I guess you just haven't realized that you aren't as important as you believe yourself to be. You are merely grist for Madison Ave.

You are totally brainwashed and need professional help.

So now you can cheat your employers?


Justification is what sells these albatrosses.

A fool and his money are soon parted. Yes I'm addressing you.

You are totally egotistic and silly on top of that. Just ask anyone who knows you.