
I'm not a troll. Are you a fool?

How about nothing on you wrist? Nobody needs a fitness tracker, just eat right and exercise. HELLO!

WHY would anybody need a wrist watch when they are carrying a smart phone??Anyone I see with a "smart watch" on their wrists I will immediately know they are dummies.

Start reading what the rich guys did when they stole 30% of Americas money. Read Michael Lewis's The Big Short, and put your money under the mattress.

I take a triple shot of 100 pound Granddad. Works every time I think.

I would like to see one on display, then if I saw quality, I'd consider buying.

People buy these instead of getting their children vaccinated.

Down to: lol

Down to: lol

If you're reaaly interested in the environment buy rechargeables (eco) and be a happy guy.

I think there are enough fools out there in cyberland to make the watches profitable for a very short run. The smart makers will take the money and get out fast, just like in the stock market. Buyer beware!

You got it right White Trash.

On a planet that will support between 3 and 4 billion, the present population will strip everything to an ecological tragedy.

Don't forget a 3M sticky roller. You can even use it directly on the pet to remove loose hair, and also your clothes and furniture.

If one would go into the question they would find that nothing makes any difference.

I thought one rose to the occasion in the fuck home? Am I wrong here?

Watcha doin...just pussyfooting around.

I know you know

One's on the way I assume.

Ashley I think you put your foot in it here.

Do they have a Jolly Green Giant size?