This was a good idea in theory. Younger generations should be aware of Nina Simone and her contributions to music. However, the execution has been a disaster. Did they not even consider Uzo Aduba or Viola Davis?
This was a good idea in theory. Younger generations should be aware of Nina Simone and her contributions to music. However, the execution has been a disaster. Did they not even consider Uzo Aduba or Viola Davis?
Yeah, the show was starting to drag and the missing wings finally gave it some much-needed direction (and some more emotional issues for Lucifer to deal with that were far more interesting than trying to unsuccessfully seduce Chloe).
Ariana has said otherwise? She *was* a bridesmaid in Scheana’s wedding...
She’s a fucking asshole. I’m sorry for her own mental health, but that doesn’t excuse all the horrible things she did.
This is so tragic in so many ways. If there is a hell, that girl is definitely going there, but I’m also not so sure that we should be prosecuting people (mentally unstable people and teens in general, especially) for the suicide of another person. I think this is one of those cases where no matter what you do, no…
“He sent the message at 6:25 p.m., then told his mother he was leaving the house to visit a friend and not to expect him home for dinner. He made a short drive to a remote corner of the Fairhaven Kmart parking lot. At 6:28 p.m., he called Carter and talked to her for 43 minutes. At 7:12, she called him. The call…
Wait but I want to know what he said about Matt Damon! Dudes being catty about other dudes is my favorite thing.
But can we admit that her meltdown on the trip when she found the guy upstairs was a BIT ridiculous? I’m not saying she shouldn’t have been pissed, but she took that to another level. It was pretty obnoxious. That same incident was also the BEST Countess moment ever.
The after party outfits were sooo much better than the red carpet looks. Why is that? People upped the sexy/ daring factor after the show. Here for it.
I can understand perfectly his hating her, but her husband? He was a doll.
Ok, can they just implant the chip in our necks and be done with it? That’s clearly the way things are going and that’s clearly the easiest method. People already complain about every other thing whether it is having too many passwords or being too invasive or being a Thing Of The Devil, so let’s just get on with it.
Yeah, it wasn’t great. Rachel McAdams’ after party dress was better than her red carpet dress too.
Agreed. That dark red looks awful with her skin tone.
Am I the only one who seems to have been disappointed by his monologued? There were a couple huge missteps.
Oh God. How many times do you think Ben made her watch each Matt Damon movie?
It’s from the Talented Mr. Ripley!!
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner got drunk one night and murdered someone for sport.
When that room is empty, yes.
Gender segregation sounds like a terrible idea in principle, although I have to say that an all-female section—where I could count on not being aggressively hit on by any sleazy, manspreading, self-important buissness-types at least a decade too old for me—sounds pretty appealing.
Yep. They should just offer an option when booking the flight, but suggest that and people flip out too. Basically if you have religious beliefs people don't agree with you should stay home until you change them.