
Yeah! I mean even if people show up unless you force feed them there is no guarantee they will eat.

I love this idea if the truck showed up at the end of the night after you’ve danced your ass off and are drunk as fuck. Perfect parting favor instead of a party favor.

Right I am now remembering all the nature docs I watched as a kid and I remember them struggling to get back to the ocean from the beach.

Kylie actually looks natural and very pretty in this pic, Kendall is gorgeous though and from what I’m seen from snippets - less famewhorey than the rest.

Ahhhhhh I get it now. Thanks.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

Oh fuck off.

I mean yeah this is not cool but was the turtle hurt? Maybe they just sorta hopped on/ straddled the turtle to take a pic and didn’t even put their weight on it? Did they really molest that turtle? I get that they are dumb asses but was an arrest really necessary?

Telling someone they are a “precum baby” is even better :D

“recording artist” HEE

“Jay, that is still good meat on that fucking fish head! Am I lying!”

I really wanted to like it but the tone was just off. I was expecting camp and I enjoy camp but this veered too far into “plain stupid” territory. It’s a missed opportunity, it could have been so much better than it was.

Stop trying to make Emma Roberts happen!!!!!!

She was pretty inoffensive. I’m tired of Emma “One Trick Pony” Roberts and Murphy’s obsession with Queen Bitch Bee.

Beautiful! You are.

I don’t think the sisters look that much alike. Gigi looks like her maternal Grandmother as seen on RHOBH and Bella is a blend of Yo and Mo (parents.) The younger brother looks a lot like Bella.

I love her but it looks like she has camel toe and the overall look is meh. It’s been done before and much better. :/

Humans was good.

I don’t mind these. The initial pink outfit is a little “Clueless” - if you squint. I’ve seen much worse at FW.

I think it’s suppose to be taken as a vest over a shirt - which was trendy for a while - but yes it is more bikini. But I kinda don’t mind the initial pink outfit. It’s a little “Clueless” - if you squint.