
YAS! Thank you, where was the funny? Childish and vapid does not equal funny.

So delicious!

Apparently Michelle and Cody just went a did a couple’s therapy type show a few weeks back so hopefully they are back together.

You win!

“silly turkey” BWAHAHAHHA, This article is FLAWLESS! I even feel like I learnt something about sports today which is amazing. Allz the stars and hearts Kara!

Also your use of “pokey” is delightful.

OMG! Give everyone an Emmy! Claire Underwood had my panties soaked one minute and the next episode I was drier than a brownie left in the oven too long.

All the Emmys! Let’s just throw them at these women.

The Cookie Lyon Extravaganza featuring Jamal Lyon.


Empire? You mean “The Cookie Lyon Show.”

That’s a difficult decision. Tatianna has definitely earned it but Taraji fucking slayed so hard!!!!! Can they both get an Emmy dammit!

Brilliant. Why are you in the greys?

That Anaconda video is super lame. If she wanted to be “exciting” and fresh look at M.I.A.’s “Bad Girls” - hell even “Super Bass” had a better vid.

Anaconda the song is so catchy and I always sing along despite not wanting to to but that video is boring and tacky. Bad Blood is awful, awful, awful. That video is embarrassing and could have been spectacular with all those cameos but Taylor sticks to her teenage bubblegum nonsense instead of really taking a risk.

Urgh Taylor. I’m sure she meant well but that was hella condescending.

What if she has fallen on someone walking by? She would have killed them/ seriously injured them. Suicide is terrible but my empathy is lessened by her decision (I understand that she probably wasn’t thinking rationally) to jump and put other lives at risk.

nevermind, scrolled down for answer

Does it have railing/ some type of guard? She would have to climb up and over? Someone would have noticed and tried to intervene no?

I’m just glad someone else remembers! Richard on his worst day still produced 13/10 work and Brian on his best scribbles was a 7/10 and I’m being generous.

No I didn’t use the same name as I had then.

Jesus, he was a little shit then. I didn’t know it went that far but I’ve also forgotten how bad he was. The misspelling of his name and his reaction to that alone was tiresome. Now I wish I had went in hard but maybe he has changed for the better? It was a few years ago, hopefully he matured and got over his