
But it was Ramona’s! Not Lu. Luann was responsible and saw that her dude left. Ramona was the one that walked the guy upstairs and told him to sleep there. She always dodges these bullets and deflects. It is comical at this point.

Brian was talented but oh so insecure. He would get so snippy if he was compared to Richard or if something was accidentally credited to Richard. Also he would mini-freak out if anyone spelt his name with a “y”. Unintentionally hilarious.

OMG! Said the same thing before reading your comment. I miss those glorious recaps!

Even if she remarries she could still keep it. It’s more an honorary title at this point. It bugs me that her son gets to inherit the title of Count but her daughter gets no title.

Her son gets to inherit the title of Count but her daughter doesn’t :( She explained it in depth during one reunion.

“The only thing that would have made it better was a smoke in one hand a bloody mary in the other.” Yassssss!!!! Countess Crackerjacks! God, I wonder if Richard Lawson is still watching and recapping. *tear*

Right, if you take the term literally and the average human lifespan is say 75 (this differs according to country, circumstance, resources etc) then mid to late 30s is middle aged.

She was excellent in Winter’s Bone and charming in SLP, I was really surprised at how much I like it because I thought I would hate it. It definitely wasn’t an Oscar winning performance but the movie deserves any praise it gets IMO.

LOL I read that as “Franzia” at first and I was like damn, comparing it to boxed wine is the coldest burn.

Silver Linings Playbook is charming. JLaw and Brad were really good in it. It wasn’t Oscar worthy but they deserved every accolade. American Hustle on the other hand … Zzzzzz pretentious.

Vivien Leigh once said Clark Gable tried to rape her during the filming of Gone with the Wind.

Bonus because it’s almost reminds me of a quote from “The Wire” too and I’ll take any reference to “The Wire” I can get. ;)

I immediately thought of this as well but didn’t the crocodile’s body later burst out of the snake killing it?

Haha! I know. I can’t wait for the epic Cersei// Aerys II meltdown “burn them all” and then the valonqar coughJaimecough killing her // Aerys II.

I don’t think the show hinted in anyway. Tywin loathed Tyrion but always admitted that he was his son and a Lannister until the final showdown when Tyrion killed him.

Yeah but he also said “You are my Son!” “Because you’re a Lannister!” and said Tyrion might be the lowest of the Lannisters but he was still a Lannister, that was his whole reasoning of burning the Riverlands because Catelyn took Tyrion hostage.

LOL agreed. I’m not sure who the third head of the dragon is, I like to believe Aegon/ Young Griff is real, Tyrion is not a Targ but he might ride a dragon. I believe people who are wishing for Jon/ Dany warg dragon babies are going to be disappointed.

Tyrion doesn’t have to be Aerys II son in order to ride a dragon. It hasn’t been confirmed that only Targ blood can ride. In The Dance of Dragons it was implied the the non-Targ riders did in fact have some Targ blood but then it can be easily theorized that there was a Targ/ Lannister marriage somewhere along the way

I do understand how people reading would jump to that conclusion but I’ve read all available lore and histories and I don’t think most people know how truly ruthless Tywin “Spank Daddy GILF Pimp O.G.” Lannister was.

When did the show support that theory?