Compared to ships, the extreme speed it was able to move, and compared to conventional cargo planes the extreme weight it was able to carry, was the tactical advantage.
Compared to ships, the extreme speed it was able to move, and compared to conventional cargo planes the extreme weight it was able to carry, was the tactical advantage.
Soooooo, are you saying that if you fitted something like this with modern high-bypass turbofans off a commercial jet, you would still be able to carry a shit-ton of cargo at 400kts but use a lot less fuel?
The heavy ones as pictured couldn’t get more than a few meters off the surface, so they can’t handle terrain and they can’t handle waves. That basically restricts you to operations on an inland sea, in good weather. They’re certainly “interesting” vehicles, but they’re not really that useful.
But it can carry serious weight due to the ground effect.
Mine didn’t come with them, but I’m pretty sure I bought mine before the whole bumper thing started, or at least before I had heard of it. I’m guessing some dealerships were lazy, and then when it started to become a “thing”, they started intentionally leaving them on.
putting socks over your shoes
As long as they don’t match the color of the paint, people would leave them on. That’s the whole point.
Not really the same thing, but it does irk me when I see people who have left the (mostly) clear protective film on screens.
People don’t like cars, and they especially don’t like cars with colors or accents that make them stand out. Why else would they intimidate an old Brit into selling his yellow Corsa, or key the bright orange Golf of a medical student? Fall in line. Be a boring cog like everyone else, or else.
Nevermind whether he did or did not cut off Hamilton, shouldn’t an unforced excursion from the marked track itself result in a penalty?
And when the turbo goes, then it can often times begin to ingest its own engine oil.
If the key triggered the sensor to allow you to lock the door, then it can trigger the sensor again to allow you to unlock the door. Thin plot holes are still thin plot holes.
Perhaps not, but my car does seem to align with the behavior of all the rental cars I get.
Yet you knew the lyrics to mention it in passing?
Sure it is. My car won’t let me close the trunk if the fob is detected in the trunk, and the lock button on the exterior door handle won’t work if the fob is detected inside the car rather than outside.
How do you lock your keys in the car when the car detects that the keys are in the car and refuses to lock?
Clearly this is actually a proxy rant about women’s clothes not having real pockets.
More for keeping bored sailors occupied.
Service is going to be “market price”, not a flat $80/mo. So lets start with ships and aircraft. Charge $800/mo and you’ll have people begging you to take their money. Current options are truly awful, and incredibly expensive. Gogo alone does around $600M/yr for their continental US service according to their latest…