
It’s almost like SSDs came out and MS said “F*** it, who cares of filesystem performance, SSDs solve that for us”.

Btw, did you know there are still enterprises that use tape for storage?

Easy.  The steering wheel isn’t attached to the wheels.  It’s attached to the safety driver hiding behind the grill in the front.

In six years and several hundred segments of business travel, I have occasionally seen cameras mounted on the bulkhead at the front of the cabin.  Those are active, and only present on a handful of aircraft, for some study or another the airline is performing.

They’re running GNU/Linux, not Android. I’ve seen them get caught in a reboot-loop before, kernel panic with a hardware watchdog, and you get to watch the full terminal startup sequence.

Is there a side view of that book?

Rather, the fuel used for cooling the main combustion chamber expands under heat, and is used to drive the fuel pump. Very clever, but it doesn’t scale up.

I think you’re reading this backwards.  If the test was performed at 37mph, but the speedometer read high at 38mph, the system would have shut off.

That second rule is bullshit. It’s less costly to bump into a Geo Metro than into a Rolls-Royce, but it’s not any less shitty.

It’s really all just a question of what you can get away with. Just because you see 30 other access points nearby doesn’t mean they’re in use. An idle access point putting out a beacon doesn’t take up any significant spectrum time. Conversely, a single heavily utilized access point will cause significant contention.

Why? What possible skills are you going to learn on a sailing ship that are both translatable to a modern ship without rigging for sails, and not more easily learned on that more modern ship?  Is it just tradition?  We’ve been teaching this stuff for 240 years, and we’re going to keep on doing it, because you need to

I have a feeling they came up with a different number for each engine they tested, with differences upwards of a kW.

Is it actually rated for 100.5hp or is it rated for 75kW and Wikipedia user TKOIII doesn’t understand how significant digits work? Is it even sold anywhere that uses horsepower as a unit of measure?

Is that actually a real missile?  Those fins are enormous.  It looks like a lawn dart with explosive flatulence.

But then you would have had a car with the fugly Daytona stripe down the rear quarter panel.

Why not? That’s what autopilots do, take the load off the pilot, so the pilot can focus their attention on other equally important things. In other words, the pilot is still attentive while the autopilot is engaged. Autopilots are a pilot aid, not a pilot replacement, just like Autopilot in Tesla is a driver aid, not

The system will stop for anything moving, even slowly. It has to stationary, within the accuracy limits of the doppler system, so it’s squelched out with the ground clutter.

I also find it extremely unlikely that he fell asleep truly by accident or had some kind of medical event but managed to keep himself in a state where the autopilot still thought he was driving.

WTF is that drawing? It looks like a picture of a crotch, with a penis with a hairy tip, being clung to by a small three-eyed alien (the intersteller kind) child, being menaced by a handheld cordless drill.

That said. A 350kW charger will never be installed in a house. Thats more power than almost all homes are supplied with.