
These things would have a relatively short range, a couple hundred km at the most. Presumably China’s missile facilities are inland, and not all within that distance of North Korea.

That’s downright awful. I rarely see anything more than +/- 1 mph on the various rental cars I’m in half the year, verified by GPS. The only time I’ve experienced anything approaching that is driving across rolling hills in Iowa in an underpowered SUV, and the vehicle would reluctantly downshift to maintain speed.

Yeah.  I’m not seeing how that’s “technically” not absorbing the energy.

Shock absorbers take that energy and dissipate it. Still technically not “absorbing” the energy, but giving it a controlled release through heat transfer.

Can it detect the carrier group from half a mile down, with thermoclines etc reflecting and distorting sound waves?

It’s pretty much the same concept as a car battery. Open that up and you’ll find six lead-acid cells wired in series.

Did that change in the last few weeks?  I booked for myself and my parents to fly to my sister’s over the holiday, and they got my precheck status.

Now playing

I only do the machinery that uses VFDs and servos, I don’t know what makes them work.

On a Tesla, brake regen is good for somewhere around 100kW. At highway speeds, a Tesla is going to be traction limited at somewhere around 600kW.

It’s not possible to stop an electric car purely with the motor

Except if the battery is full

No, that’s the precise point. The combination of regenerative braking plus a smaller rotor will be equivalent to a larger rotor in every braking situation, including panic stops.

It will forever be branded “the toaster” after one of our installation superintendents got bounced into the ceiling in the back seat and call it such.

for those unfamiliar, everything in parking garages is run in the concrete. this means that to fulfill hyundai’s pipe dream, the entire parking garage would need to be gutted, the concrete sawed open throughout the garage, and absolutely everything from the utility connection would need to be replaced with much

It’s not just a dumb coil like you might see on a stove or kettle. Any of the charging standards include some form of handshake negotiation and active monitoring that would detect something of that sort.

Solar cell tech will never be there. The kit plane this is built from has a wing area of 700ft2. If you covered the entire surface of the wing, that would get you around 1.3kW, to power a 750kW motor, and that’s assuming you had the wing pointed at the Sun.

Heat? Yes. Temperature? No. Increased efficiency is only part of the reason for reduced size. Si semiconductors fail before they get much past 100C. GaN semiconductors keep working up to around 3x that, so you’re going to need cooling to prevent them from being a fire/burn hazard before you run into functional issues.

Heat? Yes. Temperature? No. Increased efficiency is only part of the reason for reduced size. Si semiconductors fail

stop 15' before an intersection

Look at the picture, or even just the first paragraph of the article. It’s a seventh generation Grand Prix, from the mid-2000s. Impressive in a sedan in 1997. A decade later, not so much.

That was mid 2000s.  230hp was already pretty pedestrian by then.