
For ramming road blocks, you want to stop about a car length from the block

In a manual, it is not unusual to downshift to make it easier to pass someone

it is insanely cool, but that’s *because* it’s “i have an idea and we’re gonna build it on the cheap”

There’s very little inertia on those things, and they’re on electric motors. The motor can just brake them to a stop within a few seconds of landing.

Fan blades, yes, because fans tend to be high blade count and low aspect ratio. They improve the efficiency of heavily loaded propellers, but the parasitic losses make them more harm than good for lightly loaded propellers. Those lightly loaded propellers are fundamentally more efficient, so if you’re not otherwise con

Ducted fans don’t work so well when they’re not pointed in the direction of travel.

in this particular instance there’s sufficient evidence it was used to partake in a crime which he has been charged of.

Reading is hard. So is watching the video. So much to complain about on the internet, and so little time...

More traditional gauges would be a great idea for this truck

I’ve just got a assumed it’s completely different tech at work here.

I actually thought they were just some funky reflection off the lighting until they were mentioned in the article.  It didn’t even dawn on me that someone would put lights there.

Those are words that can mean everything from pointing threateningly to a lethal bludgeoning.  “Footsie” is very descriptive towards the actual act in question.  What’s wrong with using descriptive language?

The only predictable fashion a vehicle can take is to continue doing what its doing, which it seems to have done. So long as everyone has appropriate highway spacing, everyone on the highway maintains speed and gap, the Camry just picks an open slot, and then everyone re-gaps slowly back to appropriate spacing as they

Either that, or people entering the highway don’t understand that accelerating to merge is perfectly acceptable.

Not at all, just that you loop back to the opposite side when you hit the edge of the world.

It’s easier to drive onto the beach, and a whole lot easier to drive back off the beach.  You know... the whole “amphibious” thing.

Sure about that? There’s only a couple of airworthy examples left. Most of those you see at airshows are just repainted T6s.

I can appreciate that alot of people like them very much and it does not affect what I DO like the slightest bit that other people like IPA’s

And I will never, ever understand wanting a higher seating position.

There seems to be questions as to the legitimacy of that brand, and their “PCA” is great and all, but what happens if you try to use your truck on a winter day?