
Sweet Jesus! They can drive on water!

That sounds like the previous owner was an eXtreme Douche..

Why a plate? Repair to a shattered joint socket?

Hyperloop One isn’t building a hyperloop, they’re building a maglev vactrain.

No food, no water, no oxygen

You can still do it with direct injection. Direct injection gasoline engines have multiple fueling strategies for different situations, and often still have traditional injectors in the ports or throttle body. This would just add an “HCCI mode” that the ECU could choose to use in addition to the others.

You shouldn’t touch the ordinance at all. But more specifically, you should never pull this hand operating lever to the rear. Do not push the clip of ammunition down into the feed rollers here. You never restore this lever to firing position. Do not make sure that this lever is completely closed. Never depress

Significance is a very relative term. Using those spoilers as airbrakes might reduce a 10mi landing roll down to only 9mi. That’s a full mile difference. That’s significant. Unfortunately, the aircraft rolled off the runway after only two miles. In combination with what the brakes must provide, the spoilers might

True air brakes are much larger and far more heavily reinforced. The forces they see would rip a spoiler right off the wing. The primary increase in drag caused by a spoiler is due to the increase in AoA needed to maintain the same amount of lift over the unstalled remainder of the wing.

Spoilers don’t dissipate energy. Spoilers dissipate lift, keeping the aircraft grounded to the ground, so the tires and brakes work better. They basically allow the pilot to perform a controlled stall of the wing.

Don’t feel too bad. Kansas City always gave me good rental cars.

This isn’t a high performance fighter jet. This is basically a sailplane gliding in with a small turbofan on minimum idle.

Maybe this was just on street driving from light to light, where you never got up above 20mph? Maybe you had an independent brake resistor or hydraulic retarder that operated in excess of what the battery could absorb? Maybe this was a flywheel hybrid, rather than an electric one, that offered much higher specific

That really depends on how aggressive their underbody aero is.

The electric motors on those buses peak at ~200kW output. Now lets be extremely generous and say that for short bursts for regenerative braking, you can charge at half that rate and not completely destroy your battery cycle life. (assuming 14mt bus) From 10mph, that 100kW could produce braking acceleration of 0.16Gs,

The regenerative brakes could knock standing passengers over

Shouldn’t you always stop at a red light, seeing as it’s a good way to not get run over?

They’re exactly correct. Not using the conventional pedal is a great way to get more breaks!

Prepare yourself for extremely mild braking. Traditional brakes are constant torque devices, meaning at high speeds, they are very high power. regenerative braking is constant power, and the batteries can usually only accept power at 10-20% the rate they dump, so at high speed, you’re looking at very low torque.

Put one foot on each, so you don’t have to switch? Watch more than the brake lights of the car immediately in front of you, so you’re not stomping the gas towards stopping traffic?