
I fully support everything you said you hate. Just because you live in rural Sweden, doesn’t mean you are absolved of doing your part. Have a nice day!

I already posted something, but I’m posting again.

This thread is an epic battle between Jalops admonishing each other for following too close, and Jalops admonishing each other for buying big SUVs. Amazing.

Fake chrome exhaust outlets in the rear bumper, disguising plain dirty round exhaust tips within them.

And what is the monetary value to society of reducing crashes and bodily harm caused by people driving with their lights off?

Millenial here with a confession. Until recently, I did not realize that having a long loan term means that you will pay more interest in the end than the same rate loan with a shorter term. I felt pretty stupid when I found this out, considering that it’s a defining feature of how interest works. I’ve just never

I don’t know if you’re right or not, but the thought crossed my mind as well. Giuliani’s first interview was such a horror show, I have a hard time believing he’s that fucking stupid. I mean, the guy is a lawyer with lots of experience in politics and on camera. Whether deliberately trying to muddy the waters, or get

Yeah, that line stood out to me too. I actually forgot what company I was reading about and interpreted that as ass-kissing by Tesla.

God this guy’s eccentric billionaire genius shtick is getting old.

I’m still caught off guard by these wipeout videos. The cars never look like they’re going fast enough to be un-saveable. I’m sorry to say, I’d probably do the same thing if I tried to burn some rubber with a powerful RWD car.

Freaking loved that game! It felt so unique at the time to just be able to drive all over the city. Also loved the first Midtown Madness. And also, Monster Truck Madness 2.

They’ve learned some of this stuff in school, I gather, via a specific program or classes. This is not an attack, just pointing out what a great education can do. They were, (un)fortunately, perfectly prepared to seize this moment.

Makes me look forward to the Alltrack with manual transmission that I have on order. I will not personally miss the Levorg stateside at all. But I would still enjoy seeing it on the streets here.

I bet many, many people are 100% happy with their CVTs. At least, just as happy as they would’ve been with a traditional automatic. Most of the car buying public probably does not care or even realize that CVTs are being “pushed” upon them.

So just to be clear: The article is incorrect, and the Levorg is NOT on the same platform as the WRX?

Useful post. Trying not to get into the Jalop snark, so, respectfully: Those linked lists (I know you didn’t make them) mostly appear to be pretty old. Also, they mostly don’t mention VW at all. And if they do mention VW, they don’t mention the various newish VW interference engines (diesel and turbo gas).

You raise an interesting point about the safety driver. While paying better attention obviously could’ve helped in this situation, it seems like any safety driver could have issues reacting to an emergency. Are their hands on the wheel? Are they complacent because the car is doing the driving for them? How do they

Thank you for the context. I admit I have not felt like spending time looking into the background.

Guy needs to stop saying “woman.” It’s grating. Also, I have definitely seen people do this multiple times in my life. This shit happens sometimes when there’s limited parking and high turnover. These drivers who have “never heard of this” need to get out more, or something. Not that I wouldn’t be pissed myself, but I

If such a plausible explanation exists, you’re saying that this video/whoever released or produced is being dishonest and omitting a lot of context. Is that what you think? Just throwing the footage out there and letting our imaginations run wild?