
I think the answer to this is no, your DNS provider does need to support it though. Websites themselves essentially are "registered" with a DNS, so the DNS looks up the address and provides the link. Your router isn't look stuff up, it's just shooting off the signal.

I don't believe we've actually run out of addresses yet, I'm pretty sure that all of the "blocks" of addresses have been handed out, which is a big difference as each block has many IP addresses to hand out.

This article really should specify that this support is for the web application and not the native installed Gmail apps on smartphones. The Android Gmail app has had priority inbox support since shortly after PI was a thing.

The devil really cares about recycling!

@raincoaster: True, I guess she said have said "or" instead of "and". That's hardly a "hysterical overstatement" though.

@raincoaster: "I whip my dick back and forth" is pretty pornographic. Also probably defamatory.

@Mindfield: I bet job interviews will be interesting for this guy now, though.

@MackayModo: Is there a ported apk of that floating around anywhere?

@Qwxptlz: I love that they move, I just think they should move less. If you want something for Android that's similar and doesn't move, you can get lockscreen replacements that allow you to add new sliders that open acts or actions directly. That's been an Android app for ages.

I basically just want an Android 3.0 tablet, Wifi only (no 3G), for $500. I would take a wifi-Xoom for $500 right this second.

As far as AirPlay, I'm pretty sure Android has always been a DLNA-capable OS.

@zakany001: I've heard from the internet that tons of people love them and use them all the time. Anecdotally though, I know just that one person who hates his, and no one else that even wants to buy one.

@Tamar Weinberg: I only know one person with an iPad and he hates it.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Well, now someone else has reported it, with video, so there goes that theory!

@Platypus Man: Legally speaking, it's not stealing. It's copyright infringement. The argument that you're "stealing" some theoretical money is also ludicrous, as it relies on the fact that you would have legally purchased whatever it was you downloaded had you not downloaded. That's a ridiculous argument, as most of

@Platypus Man: Technically, "illegal downloading" isn't stealing, as the definition of stealing and theft is that it deprives someone of something. Stealing is copying, not stealing.

@Platypus Man: Your argument is essentially the same as Coppola's if you boil it down. The part where you talk about artists succeeding and becoming rich because people "want" to give them money?

@Platypus Man: Most artists who try to make money aren't making much, though. There's a few exceptions (most notably the people everyone have heard of) but most artists don't make shit for cash.

@Curves: My mom tried explaining it to my 10-year-old self and she described it like a computer is a car and it can make stops at different exits. I guess that's one way of thinking about it, but I think she was taking "information superhighway" a little too literally.

@copydawg: Bendis didn't do Ultimates. He did Ultimate Spider-Man and some of the minis. Millar did the first two Ultimates, and then god-awful Loeb took over for 3 and Ultimatum. And I think Millar's back now on New Ultimates / Ultimate Avengers, which has been just... horrible.