
@DARSFOG: You spend $10k on iTunes "pretty fast"? Jesus, that's insane.

So, dude was on the vegetarian Slow Carb diet. Also, the complex carbs probably weren't the problem, but rather the simple carbs.

Am I missing something or is it missing Blackberry from that chart?

I have no problem with manufacturer UIs as long as they are simply one option, available on the market, and uninstallable.

@Kamatari +: Maybe I'm weird, but since I don't have a landline, my cell is always on and always "in use mode". It does charge faster, sure, but if you leave the screen off and don't actively use it while it's charging, it still charges pretty quick.

Vote: Pulse

@єηνy ™: Why do you power off the phone to recharge?

@Mike Z: 1) I believe the CyanogenMod Gallery does that.

@justvisiting: It already happened, in a Eureka episode called "Here come the suns"

@gpzbc: Thing is, when you port your number, you cancel your cell contract. So you need to sign a new contract (and thus get a new number) to use your cell phone on a cell network.

@Bramsey89: Sounds like he's seen too many sitcoms / romcoms where someone is "out of your league".

@TheDarkWayne: I am probably also one of the few people who like JMS' Superman. I find DC stuff to be so contrived and complicated (not in a good "deep" way but more an "oh shit cram more stuff in!!!" kind of way), that it feels nice and refreshing to have a character driven story instead of just mindlessly having

@TheDarkWayne: I'm with you on this, the death, return, and post-return Batman is stupid. I dropped Batman completely and my pull list is almost all Marvel at this point.

@chalkshark: Don't worry, he'll make a deal with the devil and erase the whole marriage soon enough.

@RacecarBoobTat: Mine was years ago with 2 sold last time I checked. I tried some social marketing but no one bit.

I published something on there a few years ago. I've yet to see a dime off it, no one bought my book :( Actually I think I sold 2 copies, with 0 reviews.