
When the review specific mentions "don't think about the movie or else you won't like it", then I know I'll hate the movie.

I use candles with my projector. At least I did until I got my wireless sensor bar, which renders a DIY solution moot.

@worsethannormal: Bash A&E and TNT all you want, USA has Psych and White Collar, that makes it A-OK in my book.

Best of Both Worlds was indeed one of the best cliffhangers on TV, followed by probably the biggest let down as the cliffhanger was rendered moot within 5 seconds of the second part.

@Asian Angel: The average person may not, though, so it's a nice way to get the reward without the risk.

@Asian Angel: For the record you can be a hair behind cutting edge in a less risky way. Chrome Canary is a standalone app (so you can run it side by side with dev channel Chrome, or regular Chrome) that's currently on 7.0.524.0, so it's just a build behind it sounds like.

People have "principles" about browser choice? That seems somewhat stubborn and naive. In fact if the principle people have is "Microsoft should adhere to standards" wouldn't using their standards-supporting browser be the best way to tell them they're doing it right?

@collex: I've been marathoning through the whole Ender's Universe the last few weeks. Ender's Game is simple with simple language because it's from a kid's (albeit a genius kid's) perspective.

@atrus123: To be fair, I'm guessing you're a new-ish web developer, because when IE6 came out it was revolutionary, awesome, and everyone loved it.

@nunpa: I'm also glad that so many people are informed. I hear way too many "I should just not eat fat and just green vegetables for a balanced diet, right?" comments in real life, and on certain areas of the internet.

@Joe Stoner: I assume most Giz articles are auto-created by one of those IM programs reading an RSS feed from another site.

@cc: It was more preemptive information than a specific criticism.

It should be pointed out that not eating fat != eating healthy. In fact not eating ANY fat is unhealthy and will lead to, well, being fat.

@Wolfstone: And how useful is that when you invite a few people over? Do you have kids? If not, what about people with kids? You know, little monsters who steal shit or wear it because they "think it's funny" etc?

@Traveshamockery: The other problem is Best Buy is inadvertently demonstrating exactly the problem consumers would have - broken or missing glasses that ruin the experience and invalidate it.

@hercules_100_98: I would have preferred several ferrets. Here's why:

Attention: You have 5 unread tacos.

@cc: As a longtime wristband owner, I can say it's been plagued with problems, up to and including moisture issues (sweat screwed up the displays), calibration issues, and finally "display/USB part staying in the wristband" errors.

@bigd7387: You can't "show" gravity, but you can show the effects of gravity. Not really the same thing.