
@Julien321: By a strictly legal definition, piracy is not theft.

@atrus123: I think what's still up in the air is how Apple will respond. So far they've denied, sidestepped, and even indirectly acknowledged the flaws, but they haven't done anything about it.

@thebluepill: Does time even exist if there's no observer there?

@Almightywhacko: I don't think anyone's arguing it's a violation of consumer rights, are they?

@Faustroll: ...because if there's one person you should take scientific advice from, it's a film critic. :-P

@freakshowtime: I kinda disagree. If it's truly a general tech blog then be general, don't pick sides. Just my opinion I guess. The place may as well be called Applemodo during any sort of Apple news.

Now if only Gizmodo would take this advice!

So, once again, Android users have to suffer thanks to the iPhone masses. Thanks a lot, jerks.

@MifuneT: Well, if there's one thing I've learned from this whole thing, it's that Apple fans don't care about these problems.

@atrus123: More like it's insanely popular with middle-aged folks.

@ziffelbat: That's just what THE MAN tells you.

@ziffelbat: That's a lie the liberal media spreads. The liberal media also claims global warming is happening and we're putting more CO2 into the air. The liberal media isn't very smart.

@Photocopier: Unfortunately (and wikipedia backs me up here) the general population uses "hack" to mean "any sort of computer crime", and most people consider logging in as someone else a "computer crime".

@JosephCole: Some people keep them for future reference. My girlfriend has a shelf full of old Psychology textbooks.

@robert101455: Again, you're kind of missing the point. People who like Apple will undoubtedly think you're being a "voice of reason", but you're not, you're just presenting an opposing opinion.

@robert101455: You're kind of missing the point. I understand what you're saying, but the whole point of Android is it's openness. If it was, as you said, limited to one manufacturer and one carrier, it wouldn't be open.

The Newton was only the original PDA in that it was the first device to be called the PDA. There were handheld assistant-type devices before the Newton, they just hadn't come up with a snazzy term for it yet.

@JesusDeSaad: I was just pointing out the obvious since you seem to miss it so easily.