
"Sent from my totally awesome Android phone" is now my email signature. Thanks Lifehacker!

@showbiz2: The Hulu subscription is optional. I can keep using Hulu the way I am now without change. It's only additional things you pay for.

I haven't seen all of Season 5 yet, but the previous seasons seemed to be setting up the Doctor to have a humongous god complex that he didn't seem to have before. Obviously especially in the specials between season 4 and 5, this was almost outright said.

@djbender: We're talking about two different things. I'm talking about PlayOn's switch to subscription, not Hulu. I am psyched about Hulu, except I EXCLUSIVELY watch it through PlayOn, so to continue using it I need to either:

@showbiz2: Yeah, I only use it because it's the path of least resistance. I don't have a TV, I use a projector. Projector needs a receiver, and this particular receiver literally only takes component video.

@showbiz2: I really like(d) PlayOn seeing as how I have a 360 and PS3 plugged in to my projector and no easy way to get a PC to hook up to the system.

@legalbeagle: The $40 isn't the problem. It's worth $40. The problem is they're moving to a subscription model this month. Sigh.

@showbiz2: I've been using PlayOn for over a year without it hogging resources. Maybe your computer is just out of date.

@djbender: This is what I came to post. Hulu on your TV!

@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: I thought one of the funniest thing in the episode, besides Apple zombies getting called out publicly that is, was the fact that the zombies weren't dealt with at all.

@Mex: Apple will just switch to dogs once OS XI comes out.

@Shift5G: Well, seeing as how they never stopped making the show, I think it's unlikely that these are recycled episodes.

@Nitemancometh: If you don't like paying for stuff how would getting cable help, either?

@RoboticSpacePenguin: If only you could get commentary tracks through Watch Now. The commentary for Futurama is amazing. Love David X. Cohen.

@octasquid: Yeah, it was a little too polite.

I think the solution is people need to start voting with their wallets, and not buy the iPhone 4 or return their defective ones instead of getting them replaced.

Did this article actually frame blimp travel as a bad thing?!?

@necgray: I also love how all these articles are glossing over how they're rewriting her origin and she's being raised in an "urban" environment now. So it'll be more gritty and "urban", whatever that means.