
@JiveBowie: You're fooling yourself if you think this is a new gimmick. 3D movies and stuff have been around for DECADES. They keep trying revivals but no one cares.

@kureshii: Or you could spend $5 on a new cable every few years (until HDMI is obsolete) and still save like $200.

My problem with waking up early is that on the East Coast, that means I'm awake for a loooong time without the sun, especially in the winter.

Ignore me, I misread the results

@Aenean: Yeah, firebug is out for Chrome now, I use it at work and at home. It's still very much a 1.0 thing, but it works for css editing. I think js debugging is still coming though.

@garycecs: Calling people "butthurt fanboys" is a good start.

@excel_excel: Don't forget (arguably) the Weapons you could fight optionally. The one below the sea, for example.

@2c-b: Imagine the outcry if the FFVII/FFXIII parallels went 100% through and FFXIII was a 360 exclusive.

I have wall-mounted air conditions and baseboard heaters. The two heaters are controlled by two separate thermostats which are the "up, down, or off" models.

This has already been done, in I believe Operation Flashpoint. If you pirated the game, your character slowly got less and less accurate until eventually it was unplayable.

@watcher_b: In my case I get a bunch more back. Seeing as how mortgage interest is tax deductible and you pay mostly interest up front...

This isn't really a fair poll. This is like a newspaper asking people to write in if they get their news from newspapers.

@pale_blue_eyes: Yes, because the RC *is* Ultimate, and Windows doesn't allow downgrading, only upgrading.

@relatively_speaking: Depends on what you mean by "content" I guess, maybe FFVII had more graphical assets?

@RawrSpoon: In case you didn't know you could find materia (later in the game) that would drop random battles down by 50%, or I believe 100%.

@IN THE FACE!: Agreed, I have an old Gateway tablet from 02 or 03 or something like that, ran it on XP for years. Switched to Win7 and it works flawlessly.