
It's the Internet. Pictures of cats is what the damn thing was designing for, duh.

This seems more like a case of, "I wasn't able to make a properly informed decision because the people with the information purposely withheld said info making their product seem like a better deal than they knew it was." If that is the case I'd say sue away. If you can't do business without being shady then perhaps

No, FTFA... It was May 3, they left their house at 4:30PM. So unless the Catskills moved somewhere near Patagonia, it was light outside. Also she walked a quarter mile to her neighbors' house and slept on their porch because they weren't home.

They were from Manhattan. They didn't know any better.

well actually they agreed not to develop weapons systems in some treaty that they signed in order to get food, fuel or money or something. Look it up I'm too lazy to it myself.

My question is this: Since they're sending this data out over the network am I paying for it? Is it coming out of my allotted parcel of monthly bandwidth?

It's an improvement for me because itunes doesn't run on linux, I've been using Google Music Beta for months now on my linux box where all my songs reside in ogg format (also supported by Google Music and not itunes). Plus I can listen to it anywhere I have a web browser and a connection.

sounds good to me

looks like the dock connectors on the bottom of my Nexus One except they are grouped together.

That remote is seriously easy to use... I love it. Easy to type on too and it's omnidirectional so you can be lying under your covers and change channels without putting a hand out into the frigid air.

but it was also in the Australian equatorial sun.

Me too: wagebo [AT] gmail (dot) com

I think he's just complaining b/c of the awkwardness that could arise in that type of situation. Dealing with retail, most companies don't like it when you make their customers mad or uncomfortable. It usually ends up with the company having to pay something to someone.

Actually with that shape it would allow people to use it lamps they already have that might have a shade that clamps onto the globe of an incandescent.

Well your eye adapts fastest when moving from a red light source to another. Meaning you can look at that red exit sign and switch to the screen and it doesn't mess with you as much as that bright white cell phone light does.

don't know actual numbers but it feels faster than froyo. I'm truly in love with it.

That's Honeycomb deary... Gingerbread is what's on my Nexus One that will be a steaming pile in about a year.

I've had patients with no prior hospitalizations or doctor's office visits come in with it. They scratched their leg in the garden or hiking and between that time and coming to the hospital, contracted it. Nasty stuff and it doesn't give up.

That's a Wound VAC. Negative pressure wound dressing. The grey part in the middle is actually a black sponge that is cut to fit the wound and placed so that it touches all of the wound bed. It is then covered in occlusive dressing and the suction is applied continuously to allow the wound to drain and heal.