Redpanther/John Burnett

The wealthiest 5% of households have 63% of the wealth, and the wealthiest 10% have 74%. The bottom 80% have as little as 7% (NONE of this bottom 80% could POSSIBLY be white). SILLY ME! I NEVER knew white people constituted only 10% of the U.S. population. There is this tiny little thing that is almost NEVER discussed

Your point is true, but the analogue used (the rich) is grossly inappropriate. The bottom threshold to be in the top 1% today is a household net worth of around $9 million and annual income of $600,000 - this is the very BOTTOM of the top 1%. Compare THAT exponential advantage to the advantage of working-class whites

I could describe white privilege very quickly: I’m not assumed to be lazy or criminal because of what I look like racially. That being said, if I’m in my work clothes, I’m assumed to be less intelligent by white yuppies. “Microaggressions” coming from this assumption don’t get to me because I really don’t believe the

Few white people and NO working-class white people could afford to move to that town. The barricade is economic. $1 MILLION for the median house there.