
Most of the time, it’s “Mom”. I’ll admit that there’s an occasional “Mother”, but usually that’s in a chiding tone or maybe an aggravated tone. You need that second syllable to really stress the mocking or the anger. Basically, I equate “Mother” to the use of “First Name Middle Name”.

I live in a reddish town in a bluish county in a blue state. Republicans ran unopposed for town council, and I’m thinking about running. Not that they need another white guy on the committee, but at least I’d be the youngest! (I’ve tried to encourage my wife to run instead) I started attending the meetings after

How does the scoring for punters work and what site is this on? I’m always game for new twists.

Oh, they want to deport any alien arrested for any crime. Who gives a fuck about due process!

#23 looks like it’s suggesting amending the National Voter Registration Act. Yay, let’s make it even more difficult for people to vote!