
Honestly, I don’t know. My best guess is that I’ve heard altbiers described as using top-fermenting ale yeast, but fermented at lager temperatures. And not knowing the correct definition of mixed fermentation, that sounded like a mix of fermentation styles to me.  Oh well, you learn something new every day.

Not being clear on the defintion of “mixed fermentation”, I was momentarily excited that this article was going to suggest alt biers. I was in Omaha for work last week, and stopped by a brewery that makes one year round! It’s been a couple of years since I had one, and since drinking that one last week, I’m on one of

Maybe I missed this, but was there any explanation as to how Wasp Clone Rick transformed back into regular Rick?  I think both Wasp Ricks were in the garage, then they went after Akira Morty in the desert and suddenly the clone was back to normal.

I was checking Hulu too, but then a vague memory surfaced: I think adult swim stuff only gets added as a whole season well after it's done airing.

Well, your oldest is definitely cooler than my oldest.


Soooooooooooo meaty.

I’d be curious about this as well. I was thrilled when Revolution came to NJ, but since that initial roll out, I don’t see them as frequently.  Hopefully these cans pop up in southern Jersey somewhere.

I’ve been hoping to see as Ad Man X discuss those state farm commercials.  And I'm really fucking glad to see I'm not the only thinking, "wait, who the fuck is this other agent guy?"  The original commercial clearly wasn't memorable enough or r eplayed enough if I can't remember it.  Christ, those commercials make me

I liked the robots, but I LOVED the dinosaurs.  I’m so happy to see one of them in there.  I think the only two I didn’t have were the Big Mac and the burger.  I definitely still have the McNugget one.

Nice writing, Oliver. I think my family might have a history of gout, but thankfully I don’t really eat shellfish aside from the occasional shrimp, and I eat a lot more chicken than I do red meat. So hopefully the beer doesn’t get me that way. It’s busy enough giving me reflux!

Our dumb wet President may not have subtext, but Roth’s sure got it.  Those last couple of sentences: *chef’s kiss*.

Like weddings, dress regulations are a very important aspect of sports. As always, we appreciate your laser focus on sticking to sports.

This is AMAZING. He doesn’t even look upset, just completely fucking dumbfounded.  

When my wife and I visited Scotland, I remember trying these, and they were pretty great!  I also tried the IrnBru, and it was, well I can’t even jokingly say “not great”.  It was possibly the foulest tasting soda that I’ve ever tried.

I don’t really know why, but I’m just delighted that Tim Robbins decided the interview wasn’t ENOUGH of a retrospective, so he brings up more movies.

I’m already planning on voting for Warren, but it’s a nice relief to hear that my wife and I aren’t the only ones using M&M’s to bribe our way through potty training.

I’m perfectly fine with it replacing Red Man Gruden as the running joke of the season.

It goes against the hoppiness aspect, but I’ve always enjoyed red IPAs with spicy food.  Flipside by Sierra Nevada in particular when they actually made it.
