I have the Thanos rap in my head CONSTANTLY. ... And the Ant-Man/where's the Ant-Man/can't find Ant-Man/I'll leave Ant-Man/I love the Ant-Man
I have the Thanos rap in my head CONSTANTLY. ... And the Ant-Man/where's the Ant-Man/can't find Ant-Man/I'll leave Ant-Man/I love the Ant-Man
That’s where my mind went, reading those comments, but then, my mind frequently goes to Nextwave for no good reason at all.
Oh cool, you’re copying pizza from a shitty chain in Delaware: https://www.grottopizza.com/menu/
Thank god there’s at least one other person out there outside of my immediate family that enjoys raw potatoes.
Speaking of Troegs and amber ales, it’s Nugget Nectar season, motherfuckers!
After scanning the full list, I feel it is my duty to point out that the Sting/Shaggy album that I forgot existed/figured was a fever dream won for “Best Reggae Album”.
Ah, I’ve been looking at this through a different spin. Let’s assume Gruden didn’t get Nate Peterman onto the Raiders practice squad, and instead he signed with the Patriots. Brady retires this offseason. Since we have absolute proof that Peterman is a terrible QB, how many Super Bowls could he win with the Patriots…
Okay, this is great, Phillies, but will you please stop fucking around and sign Harper, Machado, or preferably, BOTH.
Seriously. I’m in my 30's, and I’ll still grab a handful of snow to nibble on. Much like an over-reliance on anti-biotics, I think the germophobic culture we’ve created has really backfired on us health-wise.
Unfortunately, more and more, it seems like stuff like social work and other lower paying jobs seem to require more and more education. Most social work jobs seem to require some sort of advanced degree - good luck getting that as well as an undergrad degree for under 40k. Unless you only want to let rich kids be…
Seriously, has anyone combed through Mitch’s yearbooks?
Who gives a shit about any of this, because did anyone actually read the Collider article?
I might have to agree with Sam. I never watched movies over and over again obsessively like my sister or many other kids, but I probably watched Transformers the most. Then tacked on a bunch more viewings when, as a teenager, if I was ever babysitting boys, I would throw it on.
After that, it’s probably The Princess…
I thought it was interesting for a second, then I pulled up Kingsbury’s Wikipedia: “Kingsbury, 6' 3", 213 lbs,[9] was selected by the New England Patriots with the 201st overall selection (6th round) of the 2003 NFL Draft. He did not play in his rookie season of 2003, spending the year on the Patriots’ injured reserve…
Yes, I don’t really want to root for the team owned by this possum pelted shitstain. But when the other team is the Patriots, it’s really not that hard to decide to root for them.
All this, and there’s one other reason that I’m convinced Bernie could not have beaten Trump. Hillary always was going to have an uphill battle against the anti-Clinton propaganda that’s been spewed for almost two decades. But that’s nothing compared to the half century of vilification of “socialism” that Bernie would…
Lagers, specifically Vienna Style lagers or Marzens, can match those colors. Think Yuengling or Oktoberfests.
Look, I can get that the shitty son-in-law got some special dispensation. It sucks, and isn’t fine, but it’s just one person. WAIT, YOU SAY THAT 30 FUCKING PEOPLE GOT FLAGS RAISED ON THEIR SECURITY CHECKS BUT GOT APPROVAL FROM A LACKEY ANYWAY? Name those names, fuckos. I want to know all about these other assholes.
I mean, sure he could go into the hall with a team name that didn’t even exist while he was playing, but maybe it just feels right.
Hey now, let’s not forget Bobby Hoying!