
Of Mice & Molemen

Fun Fact
Tony Kushner's nephew Nate Kushner wrote and directed a play in college called "Sic Semper, or, Other Than That Mrs. Lincoln How Did You Enjoy the Play". It was pretty damned bizarre and hilarious, and now this announcement has only given me hope that "bear pox" and "space bears" would make an appearance in

Robert Guillaume
Hey Sean, I hate to break it to you, but Robert Guillaume is dead. Unless his assistant is psychic, he's not gonna hear that apology.

I'm only 5 or so episodes from being fully caught up with this show, and I do love it. And more Edlund penned episodes is great news - every time I see his name pop up as an episode's writer, I do squeal with glee.

Hey Spider, last I checked, Third Eye Blind, The Bosstones and Cake are all still together.

Hiya floor! Make me a sammich!

I just looked up Piven on IMDB, only to find out that it can get worse: Marmaduke: The Movie. Yes, THAT Marmaduke.

I tried reading the Eyre affair, but it wasn't quite my cup of tea. However, I did greatly enjoy The Big Over Easy and The Fourth Bear. Criminally insane Gingerbread Man is win.

I don't care what you call them, I love the "Rex" series. Fun mysteries with dinosaurs disguised as humans. What's not to love? Did Garcia ever write a fourth one? And did anyone actually watch the made for SciFi movie?

"Especially promising fall TV season"?
What the hell would make anyone have that idea? Off the top of my head, this is the only show with any promise whatsoever. Unless Noel is a huge NCIS fan, I don't see it.

The ice didn't bother me either. What annoyed the shit out of me was the lack of geography in the Paris chase scene. You see Notre Dame in the background, and they're on one side of the Seine, driving towards the Tower. Then you see the Opera house in the background, which is well northeast of there and on the

Hell, I didn't even recognize Wesley until more than half way through the show, and that was only because I recognized his voice. Now that was a chunky face.

Hell, I'd actually take the Cheifs trio of Bowe/Engram/Toomer over Hixon/Moss/Smith/whoshisface/whatshisname any day.

I wonder how this movie scored on the Rex-al Thermometer.

Like others, I was wondering just who the fuck that was, so thank's for clearing that up. It was just so painfully conspicuous and odd. Kind of like Upton horribly mis-playing that fly ball.

"Son, there are two ways to get a woman to love you. You can build a caring, trusting relationship. Or you can tell her you have a tumor. Either way, the key word is growth."

I had this text conversation with a co-worker yesterday:
Me: But who's going to look after his chimp?
Her: Lol good question! At least he doesn't have the zoo anymore…
Me: More importantly, who's going to look after Tito?
Her: Who's Tito?
Me: Exactly.

"This is serious. You've got acute cirrhosis"
"And you've got a cute butt."

I was glad to see that playing Settlers with a 3rd different group of people, the old "I've got wood for sheep" joke still applied. Also, discussing the desire to build row-ads, a la Tommy Boy.

I think it's the delivery. He just does not know how to deliver a punch line. Maybe the other things, but mostly the delivery.