
I'm not your Baskerville, Robbins.

Hey Freakazoid, you wanna watch a bear drive around in a little car?

Let's not forget Moon Bloodgood from Daybreak. I really enjoyed that show, but good luck finding anyone else who remembers it.

Well, if there's one thing I know about hobos, it's this: all hobos have shivs.

Let's not forget members of the Specials on Hooligans and members of Hepcat on something or other. Life Won't Wait is probably my favorite Rancid album too.

Re: How many toes does Richard have?

I bought last week in Portland, and started reading it this week in Vegas. Yes, I travel for work too much. And now, I realize that I'll be on vacation during the discussion week. Whoops. I can't wait to post things at the end of conversations that no one is paying any attention to anymore.

I'm still pissed that the 3rd movie wasn't called Three Fast Thrice Furious.

Drop Dead Divas
Please be a show about the zombie apocalypse occuring during Fashion Week. Or just some comical combination of zombies and models. Oh please oh please. Lifetime, I've never asked anything of you before, and will never ask anything of you again. Just please make this happen.

Too true littlealex. And the print version would probably last all of one sentence: Go to Philly, you lazy bastard. That's what I do, aside from the occasional foray into Trolley Square for drinks.

Sadly Tokyo Zombie is not quite as awesome as it sounds. I saw it at the Philly Film Festival a couple of years ago. The first half hour and last half hour are fantastic. But the middle hour or so is boring as shit. That being said, I would like to see it again.

Yeah, I thought the addition of the holograms that only the vampires could see was pretty weak.

I've always figured there to be a decent AVClub/SA crossover. And it's not like I'm gonna try to read SA at work. I'm sure I've got some shitty roommate stories, but I have to think.

Hell, my last name is that of an alcohol, and I hear about it whenever I have to give someone my name. It's annoying, but I've learned to just roll with it.

Je pense que Solidays est le concert pour toi, mon ami, parce qu'il est le concert contre la SIDA. Il n'est pas contre le feu ou le cancer, mais pourquoi pas?

I'm pretty ska will never make a comeback. It's reached a plateau that it seems comfortable at - not exactly popular, but sustainable. And it will never die because there will always be horn playing band-o's that want to be a in a 'cool' band.

You know, I'm not sold on the idea that Mellie is a doll. Those verbal commands were much more Manchurian Candidate level shit. I think Mellie might be Mellie, just with some brain-washing (not wiping) fun thrown in.

If I'm not mistaken, Anvil! got bought by VH1, so you won't even need to leave your basement!

Even as someone who mostly listens to ska, pretty much any band name that incorporates ska into it is indefensible. Hell, there's a band called Mein Skampf. I really wish I was making that up. But Less Than Jake is no worse than The Pains of Being Pure At Heart or any other 6+ word long indie band name.

I've seen the Wall of Death done a couple of times, but the scariest was actually at Warped Tour. The Suicide Machines were on one of the main stages, and the place was packed, and damn if there wasn't a good chunk of room between the walls. Hundreds of people + lots of momentum = I was very glad I moved the hell