
In a world where laughter was king
Uh, no "in a world", Jack.
What do you mean, no "in a world"?
It's not that kind of movie.
Okay….In a land that

Nice made up word there. And one that makes me fall into the latter category.

Tuesday Afternoon
I'm sitting on the train from DE to DC, and I'm thinking to myself, "Damn, I wish the AV Club local listings were available on-line!" I was even gonna Ask The A.V. Club why you don't put those online. I've seen the print editions of NY, Chicago, and DC and I'm always impressed by the thoroughness

As a Philly fan myself, I think DJ Gallo summed us up best in his football preview last year:

New feature idea
If I'm remembering correctly, in a recent ask the AV Club, you mentioned that people will approach you about interviews, and sometimes you turn them down due to a perceived lack of interest. I say let ZMF do those interviews, and I can guarantee there'd be interest.

Music rights
Suppossedly it was hard to get music rights that kept this off the American market so long. Does anyone know if they managed to get all the rights, or are there some replacements?

Full albums performed live
I like it. I suppose if all I got was that one album, I'd be pretty pissed, but usually you get another 30-45 minutes. Mostly it's nice to be able to hear some songs you'd never get a chance to hear live otherwise.


Dammit, I got excited thinking I could make a correction for once!

Patrick Wharburton
I imagine his presence elevated this up from a D to a gentlemen's D.

Holy shit, ska?
Mighty Mighty Bosstones is a bit of a surprise, but I guess the Boston connection makes sense. I'm also really looking forward to Float On, Pinball Wizard, Come Out & Play, Today, Lump and a couple of others.

And now…
I guess I have to wait for the next White Stripes album for Meg White to be brought up in the comments on a regular basis.

Freakzoids, eh?
Were they running around in underwear? Freak a me, freak a you?

C'mon guys, cut Craig some slack. Otherwise he might be hair today and gone tomorrow.

Top Ten lists
I've never been a huge Letterman fan, but there are a couple of books collecting some old Top Ten lists. I've had one for years, and picked up a second at a Goodwill 3 months ago or so. I'm pretty sure there's at least a third.

Oh, and that guy from My Boys. Which had a decent episode last night.

The Loved Ones - Louisiana
The Gaslight Anthem - Wherefore Art Thou, Elvis?
The Smoking Popes - Welcome To Janesville
Be Your Own Pet - Becky

That pretty much sums it up. Fun violence and some funny, quotable dialogue. What the hell is wrong with that?

Thanks for the recommendations!