
Happiness of the Katakuris
Damn was that some bizarre shit. But there aren't many times I've laughed harder than the beginning of that one number where as they find out the first guest killed himself, the walls fall away, and the ridiculously over-emoted singing starts. I really need to inflict that movie on more

Can I make a request for a mystery reading list? I've got a huge backlog to read, but I'd always like to hear about some newer stuff.

And by comedies, I meant sports. But you knew that.

So he was kickin' in heads, just not at the punk rock show?

You're killing me Smalls!
Seriously, how is The Sandlot not in the comedies list?

Some more
Yo mama so dumb she submitted an anime question to Ask The AV Club without first watching Unico.

To the Brisby-Dome!
Let's see how you look after being trapped under an animatronic Abe Lincoln for 8 hours!

I'm glad someone else remembers The George Foreman show. Whenever I throw that out in conversation and describe how awful it was, no one believes me.

The Rules of Appeasement

Peter Lorre
Like a concept album about the life of Peter Lorre sounds like a great idea either? But the World/Inferno Friendship Society pulled it off fantastically. So I'd give these guys the benefit of the doubt, even though I have no intention of ever listening to the final produc.t

ZMF speaks the truth. Raining blood is whack.

Holy shit!
Armageddon is upon us. Flee from Ragnarok!

I'm psychic
As if I needed further proof, I somehow knew just by reading the headline that there would be a shirt involving hipsters and cleaning kits.

At first, I actually thought it was Lily setting everything up just to try to get a genuine apology out of Barney.

Thanks for reading my mind A.V. Club!
I was wondering yesterday if this movie had come out yet. Thanks for invading my thoughts and bringing my answers to me!

That was odd
That exact episode of saved by the bell was on this morning. I was groggily flipping channels in an attempt to wake up in my hotel room, and all of a sudden I see Morris with Becky. It looks like Ted Turner is stalking you guys. Or I hallucinated the whole thing from memory.

I Guess I'm Not Surprised
But as I mentioned in the newswire post, I just can't get into this album. To me, it sounds like a shitty attempt at an 80's off-Broadway musical. I really enjoyed Decomposer, and the use of slower tempos in a song or two like Salty Eyes. But when they try to stretch that out over an

The Matches
No else probably cares, but the new Matches album isn't very good. Maybe even terrible. Their first album was a very solid poppy-punk sound, followed but a second album that was a bit more experimental, and all over the place. They took the bits that worked for a song or two on the second album and

don't want a hippie chick, or a disco queen, just want the girl from a nineteen eighty three, i want a new wave girl

wait, are those Jon Runyan commercials run nationally? I always assumed they were just a Philly thing.