
Communism was just a red herring.

I'm guessing that if this movie takes place during Wolverine's formative years, we might see Deadpool in Weapon-X, pre-massive facial cancer scarring. But even behind the mask, I'd think Reynolds has the body language to pull it off.

More importantly, Ryan Reynolds has signed on to play Deadpool. That could just be amazing.

Well, if he didn't, I wouldn't rule out the fact that he may have helped develop the Meat Machine.

Zombies Calling
That's been in my "To Read" pile for a little while. This review makes me think I should read it sooner rather than later. Hopefully it's better than the other recent SLG zombie book "Eating Steve". It wasn't horrible, but merely okay.

Brew Pub
I can't speak for the food, but the beer at the Wasatch Brew Pub is pretty good. I was in SLC for business and took the drive up to Park City for dinner and got some drinks there afterwards.

No, if anything, it's the evil windshield wipers that will spell their doom.

Lemon Party
Somehow I completely missed that joke until I saw it in print. Odd.

Actually, it's just a lot of accidental triple post. No idea how that happened, my bad.

Reel Big Fish
I love most of their covers, especially Take On Me, but they never covered 99 Red Balloons. I'm pretty certain of that. It was just Goldfinger. I

I actually gagged reading this
Back in college, I'm having dinner in the dining hall. Some ham falls off my fork into my water. I immediately get dared to drink it. I hemmed and hawed and shouldn't have. Just a couple of minutes of ham absorption, and the water became so disgustingly rancid. I'm wretching just

Swedish Murder Machine
Man, I've always wanted to get that guy in a headlock! His head's like a pumpkin!

Robin, not Lily
I thought it was Robin that pointed out the Marshall singing. I figured that they were trying to show that maybe only one person in the group noticed an annoying trait, but never pointed it out to anyone else.

Scott Pilgrim
Thanks for making me aware that Vol. 4 is out. I picked up Vol. 1 based on some recommendations a couple of months ago, and loved it enough to order 2 & 3 the next day. Sadly, I don't have enough time to read comics anymore, so I have a huge pile of stuff waiting to be read, but I will read the new

And the suggestion I forgot, why not a block review of the Adult Swim Sunday line-up?

I'll be sad to see Chuck go, but it's not like anything is going to be new come mid-December.

I've kept watching Chuck because I thought the show has promise. I don't think it's realized it's full potential there, but it at least seems to keep improving, if only a little bit. I'll definitely miss these write-ups though.

If we're including Graphic Novels, how's about Tales from the Bully Pulpit. If there's one thing modern cinema needs it's more Teddy Roosevelt pal-ing around with Edison's ghost while traveling through time.

I couldn't agree more. Hostess Fruit Pies ALWAYS save the day.

What scares me the most?
I'm just afraid that the impending glut of reality and game shows gets better ratings than most of the scripted shows. I guess I just don't have much faith in the television viewing audience.