
Never heard that before. Great song, thanks.

Oh man, I love Glen Campbell. I know the glossy production and tearjerker songwriting is really out-of-fashion at the moment (and is never going to be my favorite thing) but he really was a hell of a singer and, even more so, a hell of a guitar player.

It's all there in the song.

Yeah, if you can't enjoy Dion something's gone wrong with you. He's awesome.

I saw Dion play just a year or two ago and he was great. He talked about how everyone misses the point of the song, and how the bridge punctures the self-important bravado of the narrator.

LOL you don't know what the Declaration of Independence is and you also don't know what a sentence fragment is.

Wake me up when he finally eats that bowtie.

We at agree on Wild at Heart then! That movie is awesome. It's everything you might want from David Lynch and Nicholas Cage making an action movie.

Haha, yeah, I love David Lynch, but specifically Blue Velvet and Eraserhead, which you mention not liking. And I found almost nothing to like about Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire, and I thought Elephant Man was out-and-out bad, but I know plenty of smart people who feel different.

For real westerns, not decades-later genre-tweaking throwbacks, here are my top two:

That always sounded like an after-the-fact justification and not a real reason for that decision.

Fun fact: no one has ever reached the bottom of a bottle of mole bitters.

The Department of Homeland Security is "Hillary's camp"?

I was at that show too! Yeah, that song was a highlight of the night, and I don't think I'll be able to listen to it again without thinking of that performance.. It was obviously written for the last shows before they knocked down The Meadowlands ("…where Giants play their games") but that doesn't make it any less

Not even mentioned is one of my favorite Springsteen records, The Seeger Sessions. If you haven't heard it, I know what you're thinking. Before I heard it, I thought an album of Springsteen singing Pete Seeger-related folk songs would be terrible too. But it's not. It's all joy.

Yeah, I'd put it above Magic. And you're right about the covers - those are really great performances.

That's a pretty succinct summary of trends in all of art and culture.

It has like four great scenes and about a million other scenes.

Citadels is just OK. It's a llittle unexciting, and it gets really, really slow when you add too many players. It was very popular for a while, because it could handle a lot of players and was easy to learn, while still giving you a few interesting moments of gameplay.