
I hope you ladies are reading the comments, because I want to tell you that you are AMAZING. I am a 40 year old woman and I wish I had half of your determination and drive. Don't lose that tenacity, that self confidence, or that chutzpah. You are doing good work actually seeing a problem, and actually doing something

"Nailed it."

For the ladies that have a big difference between hip/waist and big thighs (oh heeeey), I recommend Ann Taylor. I have 41 inch hips and a 28 inch waist.

Agreed. I'm a die hard republican who tends to balk at any article on this site about the royals, but I can't get mad at this. It's something I care about a lot and coming from someone of her status will certainly be beneficial.

Yeah, she does sound nervous. That's why when I have to speak publicly I take propranolol. It's amazing how it makes your breath and hands less shaky.

Your sister sounds awesome. Small point of correction, no biggie- my kid has autism but doesn't "suffer" from it. :) I work in special education too, and the kids are awesome. Your sister has the right attitude. Yay, child psychologists!

Ouch dude. She's gorgeous! My SO has the same thing, very prominent bags, but he's the most handsome man ever. I think it's cool she hasn't gone under the knife for it.

I thought the same. But is nice that the first time we hear her talking is in favor of a really good cause.

And what does uptight have to do with mental health, also she is perfect spokesperson seeing as she one of the most famous people in UK.

There's nothing wrong with her body, that's how a 47 year old body looks, if you're lucky and have very, very good genes. Why people should continue the myth that beautiful = young I don't know. Because as a species our window of youth is relatively small, and we'll be old far longer than young. That's a long time to

Re: Russell & Stephen: I'd kinda ship it?

That denim shirt dress is the stuff of nightmares. Do they have monkeys designing their clothes?

It's "Geena and <em>me</em>." (Sorry, grammar tourette's.)

lol clackwork <3

satisfying her vision of what she'd written

I can't believe the ONE time an author gets unprecedented creative control over a film adaptation, it's fucking E.L James and 50 Shades of Grey.

Let's be fair: Stephanie Meyer should get some of the blame for the books as well.

Girl I love Father Ralph and enjoyed that book immensely but I just had a lot of trouble with the earliest parts of the book when she is five and her parents don't pay her any attention but Father Ralph does and they have this "special closeness."

There's way too much on Zappos! I find it overwhelming. If I know the exact pair of shoes I want I'll check them to see the price, but I cannot browse through the site.