
I've been getting into the new Frontline docs that have been released on Netflix. The one about The Vatican was actually really good. The portion regarding Pope Francis was especially interesting to me. I am all for a more liberal Pope and based on what I have learned about him thus far, I think it's a step in the

This is huge. Really. It's an acknowledgement of the modern world. For all his flaws, this is the first pope we have that seems to have advanced beyond the fifteenth century. Bravo.

Or you could tell her that it is where you keep your gun locked up and that guns are for killing and you own that gun for shooting people dead. And that dead people are dead forever. Then you could teach her some actual gun safety in case she ever stumbles across your firearm.

Just riffing here.

You know the best way to avoid shit like this? Don't have guns.

Remember birthday parties at home, with punch and cake, and pin the tail on the donkey? What happened to that? Don't get me started on goody bags. What a pain in the ass.

For all of the problems I have with my mother, that is one thing she'd gotten very, very right. One of my brothers has been in a lot of trouble, including an accessory after the fact of something so shocking I can't even wrap my head around it.

Oh for fuck's sake. THIS is the exact type of comment people are talking about when they talk shit about Jezebel commenters.

That dress looks great on Kim. I really think she dressed much better pre-Kanye.

It's good if you want to look at pretty people in pretty clothes and a pretty castle who can mostly sort of act.

I would pretty kind of upset if somebody was paying so much attention to my asshole when the clit is like right there.

Maybe it's cause I'm 35, but this is inconceivable to me. I find it hard to believe that many people beyond serious niche fetishists would even want to try this.

I thought they would pan to Reese Witherspoon during her joke but they didn't.Was she in the bathroom? Or refuse to be filmed at that point? And the director didn't pan to Jennifer Aniston during the "minimally talented" joke. That showed either great restraint on the part of the director or the almighty power of


I can't wait for Fox News to discuss the book I am writing "How to Get Some Hot Dong, Kinda On the Casual, Because You Don't Wanna Be in A Committed Relationship, But Are SOOOO Over One Night Stands"

My father was head of security at the Pentagon on 9-11. My brothers and I couldn't find him until 11Pm that night at Bethesda Naval Hospital ( where I was born in 1977). He was given the last rites twice but the tough old bastard survived it (along with a year in Vietnam and Anthrax poisoning.) I love you pop, and

For real. The prices are also going up and up but the quality isn't. And that's the biggest problem. I have no problem plunking down some cash for something that I can wear for a long time, but J.Crew clothing doesn't stand up as much as used to.

Right. I don't want a prize, but also, don't basically tell me to shut up. That doesn't do anyone any good.

I thought it was a wonderful piece, but I sincerely doubt that most good white people—or at least the good white people who run in my circles—believe that they "deserve a fucking prize." I think they're expressing empathy.

I guess the question is "How can white people be supportive of the issue without seeming to demean or take over the issue? " If white people don't talk talk about what they do in the situation, then the narrative is that white people are ignoring the issue (which so many do). If white people talk about the issue,

Hopefully something consensual.