Waffle Saadiq

The White House has said that some Americans could expect the first wave of stimulus payments this weekend, with more rolling out in the weeks ahead.

My question is this. When the republicans had complete control of the government (Congress and the WH), why didn’t they just pass a law saying that abortion is illegal or should be left up to the states?

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety Jennifer Cudd is in Rusk, TX teaching and trying to get her gun license reinstated. https://www.cbs7.com/2021/02/12/east-texas-teachers-license-to-carry-suspended-in-case-of-mistaken-identity-with-jenny-cudd/

Except Manchin *did* get a win. He got held up as the moderate keeping the “scary socialists” in check.

No no. You’re not supposed to talk about anything else in the bill. Just the checks. Because you’re average Gawker-blogger doesn’t have kids or live on an income at such a level where the UI benefits or additional ACA benefits matter.

They even warned people to find a new provider or face astronomical bills. 

Mitch was the main force behind them doing next to nothing in 2020. And Trump figured that his base was large enough to keep him in the White House, so he didn’t slap the taste out of Mitch’s mouth and tell him to run people 2k.

I gave up 1/2 way thru the article and skipped to the comment section.

So is Google going to lose interest and shut this down in a year like they did with Stadia and who knows how many services before that?

I still want to know why the fuck it happened in the first place. I have a feeling Google paid them off not to say which is fucked up. And a month being locked out? He has to have been paid off to bypass that fact...

Our schools were in bad shape to begin with, and the pandemic didn’t make them any better.

I have been called all sorts of names and told to quit or find another profession because I know it’s not safe to be in a building with 1600 kids and 150 staff because we can’t meet the guidelines.

It’s been hard on all of us, but

It’s not a happy answer, but I think it’s a fair one. Congress is asking him to forgive up to $50k because they can’t get their act together to do ANYTHING, and he’s saying he won’t do that much because it isn’t in the power of the President’s hands to do that.

I was literally asking if that was what you thought needed to happen. You need a Snickers?

Time to download 17 years of my life from Google Takeout, and start looking at more reliable alternatives.

I love Harold’s, but it can be maddeningly inconsistent. Not just from store to store, but visit to visit. usually it’s great, but sometimes it’s just ordinary and that’s disappointing when it happens.

Like some of you guys sound outright mad that Democrats managed to win the presidency.

The headline is very misleading. They voted against an *instant* $15/hr minimum wage-because the plan is to bring it up to there over a few years, like almost every modern minimum wage increase. This is just outrage bait.

Welcome to Instagram Socialism, where actual policy coherence, plausibility, and critical thought take a backseat to coming up with the most performatively radical catchphrase that can be expressed in twenty words (and braincells) or less.

The DOJ is trying to feel out the will of the American public. This information was “leaked” on purpose, and not as a warning. They want to see if we will push back.

That’s kind of the divide. For us, its preaching to the choir. Unfortunately the same message will never be heard by the people who need to hear it.