Perhaps I misunderstood you. When we, as a society, agree to do horrible things to “bad” people, we leave the door open to wide interpretation of the word “bad”.
Perhaps I misunderstood you. When we, as a society, agree to do horrible things to “bad” people, we leave the door open to wide interpretation of the word “bad”.
The gameplay here is nothing like their other titles.
This is Ogre Battle 2024.
Why do you star your own posts?
It’s not hard to leave Elon speechless these days. His responses are crafted to cater to his right wing simps on Twitter. Get him out of his bubble and he stammers and stumbles like a bumbling fool.
Ok. Fuck Tesla, and fuck Elon Musk (aka Phony Stark, aka Space Karen)
“The Biden administration should have taken action sooner. The president is only now invoking the Defense Production Act to prioritize ingredients and get them to formula manufacturers, as well as authorizing a program to use military aircraft to import formula from abroad.”
I always left the bags of lump charcoal under a table on the porch in Georgia and have never had any issues. Lasts 1+ year easily. Maybe the only tip is keep it dry!
Whether the words were offensive to Jada, the choice of response was hers and hers alone to make.
The worst thing in the world is having someone prepare classic dishes in “unexpected” ways or introduces brand new dishes for the first time on Thanksgiving. Do you have a good dish that is time tested and delicious? Bring it in. But don’t launch some damn oyster stuffing you read about in the NYT cooking section and…
I don’t even understand why they’re running. He could have stayed done his 6 months on a workfarm and gotten out and had a bright future in GOP politics.
Man, it’d be a shame if in the next paragraph I said something like
I appreciate this as a good bit of writing. But with respect:
Athens is probably about the same. OTP Atlanta here...
I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume that brother Warnock’s bill also makes some provisions for first time homebuyers as well. If it doesn’t, it should. My daughters are just starting to work after graduating. They are making good money for their first adult jobs and we are already discussing the purchase of a home…
It wasn't polished sure, but it was definitely Polish. I'll leave now.
Voting every time for ever race matters. Seconded, thirded, and fourthed.
The show had two really great episodes. The first and the attack on Black Wall Street in Tulsa.
Not Senators, Representatives. Some of these Representatives have formed “America First” as a caucus in order to further “Anglo Saxon culture”.
Agreed, Harriot gets way too negative for his own good at times, he kinda reminds me of my dad who loves to complain about everything.