Waffle Saadiq

Not cowering to activists does not mean ignoring or disrespect. To be clear: the phrase “defund the police” was used as a political tool to distract people. Rather than using “reform the police” to take that political tool away, I feel people were stubborn. The most important message, and action is to stop the hurting

I’m interested.  What are YOU going to do to hold the police accountable.  We have local police departments.  Do you contact your local Mayor/ Councilmen/women regarding Policing in your city?  Or, do you complain to your state’s legislators? It is clear to me that you don’t understand how government works - the three

Well at least they’ll know you’re black before you show up to the interview I guess

He’s talking to you. And you. And you. To think that “Defund the Police” was not used to fake-out or influence people is nonsense. And if you have to keep explaining what something means, that’s a problem, fair or not. To pretend that numbers are not important in Congress to accomplish something is fantasy, to put it

They didn’t need more than 100 million because Trump and all his cronies figured they would be vaccinated with that first batch. Do people think that Trump’s rich friends and resident kiss asses would not be moved to the front of the line.

I don’t think we need to battle stupidity with misogyny.

Quite frankly this increase in giving is a sign of a fucked up taxation system. The good that these charitable dollars are doing should have been taxed from them so we as a society can determine what to do with them rather than people just funding their private wants through charitable giving which skews what gets aid.

This seems like 100% bullshit double-speak. From the basic premise:

Agree, in the era of 280 character debates, whoever came up with that slogan really shit the bed. I think anyone that hears ‘defund’ something assumes you mean zero funding (as in defund Planned Parenthood, which actually means cutting all funding to it).

Whoever named it “Defund the Police” killed that baby in the crib. They could have called it Police Budget Reallocation/Reapportionment or literally ANYTHING that did not sound like it completely deprived police of *all* their funding. If we learned anything from Lovecraft Country or even Spirited Away, there is power

There is literally no incentive for him to cater to the progressives in his party.

Maybe if you can find a candidate who can win you will find happiness. But you will probably complain about them too. 

N64. Hear me out.

I am also using “cocktails” as a treatment for this pandemic.

I work for a state health department, in an office building. We were on lockdown for about 2 months, and then all had to come back into the office in the middle of May, when cases were starting to spike in the state (we’re now approaching those levels again). I’m thankful to still have a job throughout this year, but

Pelosi was bitter, and mad and standing on principle, and I can tell you this as someone who has gone hungry on many nights as a teen: a honeybun on the table now beats the promise of a steak tomorrow.

So if you know it is not Nancy’s fault why are you mentioning her? For real this shit is as tired as it gets. Her caucus did their job and Moscow Mitch won’t pass a fucking bill. You do know how government works right. Blame all the fucking Red states that seem to send the same soulless sacks of shit back to the

So instead of putting the face of Mitch McConnell up there you put Nancy Pelosi like it is her fault. Then again over 70 million white folks decided that things were hunky dory and needed to stay that way. I mean Taneshi Coates said it best white people would rather be white than free. The Senate ain’t done shit for

Legitimate question, just trying to learn here and I apologize if this is not the best way to word it, but: in “Black and brown people” why is brown not capitalized?