Waffle Saadiq

you know, the more I hear the ‘lack of experience’ argument (for anyone, beto, pete, whoever!), the more it seems to be really bad faith.

Here’s the secret: White people think everything is or should be for them, about them, at their whim.

Didn’t the Karen thing begin with Black Panther on SNL’s Black Jeopardy sketch? In that instance, I thought Karen was supposed to mean a white woman who gentrified the hell out of potato salad by adding raisins.

Hell, The Last Jedi was one of the best things to happen to this series in decades and people are still arguing about how it was actually bad.

You forgot one.

The fact that he couldn’t even get people to show up for the primaries says it all. Too many internet warriors, not enough people willing to actually do the first bit of work. 

Who would that be? I work for a fucking WIC office. No union, not that I would refrain from joining one should I have the chance, and you think it’s a fucking privilege to work with no fucking PPE, traveling through trains where the homeless (who I’m assuming are COVID-19 positive) are taking over rather than staying

You are speaking a lot of truth here but as you can see, folks aren’t ready for it

While “OK Boomer Girl” blew up on Twitter, Biden went on to win states he didn’t even campaign in with 1/3rd of the funds Bernie raised. And the youth turonout this primary season has been dismal.

A hard lesson in how preening for fake internet points doesn’t actually win you anything in reality. 

“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it. 

Democrats will use leftist rhetoric to get votes then sabotage anything that might be left leaning. They’d rather lose to a right winger than push left leaning policies.

Get outta here you goddamn commie!

Stay home, wash your hands, don’t touch your face. You’ll be fine. Those dumbfucks packing into churches every sunday? Fuck em. Maybe thoughts and prayers will trump (see what I did there) COVID 19.

Tell your parents to stay home, wash their hands, don’t touch their faces. All those dumbfucks going to churches with a THOUSAND other people? Fuck em. I’ll send thoughts and prayers.

Dude, naw, that's Becky.

I don’t live in New York, but I asked my stylist if she is interested/willing to make house calls. She said that in our state, if she was found out to be doing that her license could be suspended. Wondering if that’s the case in other states.

Yeah, I’m In NYC.

I did a reverse Becky/Karen today! O yes I did!

It’s hard to have sympathy for the south when you have states refusing to shut their shit down saying “We’re not New York or California.”