Waffle Saadiq

That just means there is no way in hell Iowa should be the first state in the primary season considering there first and third place got blown out once they got into diverse states. If SC were first I bet Harris would still be in it and Pete might have dropped out before the primaries began. Without Iowa, you dont

This needs to be read to all those patting themselves and Pete on the back for his dropping out. He never should’ve been seen as a serious candidate in the first place. No black man or woman with that thin of a resume would’ve ever been considered a serious candidate for the highest office in the land. Seeing people

For me, this is the biggest point. That and, as you mention, how black folks are expected to be the teachers, unpaid teachers on their own time of folks like Pete who, when they end up suffering because they don’t know jumping jack shit about it, turn around and blame -us- for their problems.

Not unlike how I look at my cousins to the South.

“I actually value my vote to expect something for it.”

You’d think it’d be a natural progression given his time as a deeply thirsty buffoon for reality TV. But Chuck himself said the following (edited down);

That made my day.

I do not appreciate being lumped in with this type of bullshit when they talk about the Black vote. I actually value my vote to expect something for it. Biden has jack and shit to offer us.

Pete just dropped out

I respect the black voters choice in South Carolina but it saddens me that we remain so forgiving and loyal to someone like Joe Biden, one of the key architects of the crime bill and the resulting carnage it inflicted on the Black community. If this is ‘pragmatic politics’, then exactly what does that style of

Julian Castro, but then again he wasn’t an old white guy.


how about the power to move you?

That’s telekinesis, Kyle.

Nah, he’ll pray until November and then in November he’ll order a bunch of mandatory quarantines in Democrat districts in swing states for the month.

Ay Man! Ay! Where Jason at? Anybody seen Dr. Johnson? What happen to dat boi? He forgot to do his political round up last week.

I had friend that owned a bar that told me that the women’s room is nastier then any men’s room he’s ever been in. I assume this was the reason why. 

He’s not a Democrat. In fact, he’s less of a Democrat than Bernie is. At least Bernie Sanders is talking along the lines of FDR, someone Democrats used to pay lip service to agreeing with.

Except sliding backwards economically because you’re denied promotions and laid off first, your home is worth less and you can’t refinance when you’re laid off for racism, you pay more for everything from the groceries you have to drive farther to get, that house, your kids’ education and everything else determined by

-insert cheap shot at Reforged here-