Waffle Saadiq

You most certain can and should blame the Democratic party. They have consistently undermined progressive candidates by not funding them in order to pull more Republican-lite people and where has it gotten us? They keep telling us what we can’t have. Like we can’t have universal healthcare like all the other OEDC

To my admittedly limited knowledge the biggest connection I see between Tulsi and Bernie ties back to two things:

So in doubling down in this idiocy that Bloomberg, who is attempting to literally buy his way into a nomination, is not an oligarch you not only return this motherfucker to the top ten but you put him at the top 3?

Happy that Warren is on top, but i’m beginning to worry. She needs a 2nd place or a very strong 3rd place in New Hampshire, whatever that is.

Bruh, you been gettin worked all over the internet. Did you figure out Sanders has more donors than Warren yet?

Regardless of culture anyone not buying their meat 48-72 hours before the cookout isn’t seasoning it properly and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a grill/smoker.

- A not black person who grew up in Inglewood

I love her trademark candour here. But Kelis is one of the many left of R’n’B artists, especially late 90s, early 00s, whom even a casual observer could tell was mismanaged. She had everything and there’s no simply no accounting for the big lows and lack of sustained success in her career.

Not that it matters much, but a Biden/Abrams ticket has a chance to get traction.

If Kotaku wasn’t the only games site that got through the filter on my work computer I’d never come here again.

who are you supporting?

You don’t get to question my motherfucking Blackness.

Bitch, I’ve been here longer than your ass but I actually have to do my goddamn job during the day so I can’t spend uninterrupted hours commenting on every goddamn story that’s fucking posted not that I owe you a goddamn thing about what I do and don’t do over here.

This story was brought to you by: The Department of Why You Gotta Bring Up Old Shit?

So what you’re saying is, you’re happy to complain but not interested in actually voting in the Presidential election if a Dem candidate you don’t care for is the nominee?

Come and take it? I would love to see the look on that crying babies face if the Government did show up at his doorstep in full body armor, with a gun and scope pointed at his fucking head asking for his firearms. He’d bend over faster than newbie in prison. Fake ass tough guys, why haven’t you enlisted if you want to

It’s a little more complicated than that. Yes, many unions were complicit in racism, but once black people broke into them, they were integral to the rises in black people’s ability to gain decent wages in the manufacturing sector. More radical unions like the IWW welcomed black people from the start, but they were

Feel free to pile on my comment. I don’t give a shit.

Seeing cops in full fascist regalia, facing off with peaceful workers lawfully protesting for better conditions, always reminds me that they are not fellow Union brothers but cheap mercenaries, gleefully selling out their fellow working class brothers and sisters for the benefit of the wealthy and for their own hollow

I hadn’t read that quote by Dr. King about “right to work”. That is amazing.