Waffle Saadiq

Mojoverse is literally the entertainment hub of the universe. Popcorn and soda is least of what you can get there...

Family in Philly and GA

We have the same stories cept mine is 4 aunts 1 uncle. Sadly with the same War on Drugs.

Damn that is a hard one

Pistol was the gun for multiplayer

Pistol was the gun for multiplayer

I make this joke every time this law comes up

That fucker was still the Mayor in the Sequel!

But most of their hits are the same tracks. They just gonna sit around play wu-tang albums?

I mean that’s the outcome. Until one entity in Haiti has a decisive advantage this melee continue forever.

Haiti’s situation is heartbreaking with no good solutions. I don’t think anything solution will not cause an humanitarian crisis.

Dude is trying real hard to avoid that hate crime tag and all the federal time that comes with it.

Works as regular wired control on PC

Works as regular wired control on PC

I think Cuomo also saw how Gillibrand jumping the gun took down Al Franken.

Not really. Congress just did the first step towards to cancelling student debt.

I’m torn because I can’t think of anyone better to run HUD than Fudge. Its one of those positions that for the past 30 years they threw people into because they didn’t have any other political place to reward them with.
I feel like she would at least bring competence and ANY vision to it.

Right now Black people(Scott,Adams, Booker, Warnock) are in senior positions in pretty much all the AG positions in Congress.