Waffle Saadiq

Like i said pretending to be wealthy. They are out wasting all the opportunity and being mediocre. Private Jet chick made enough to owe $37000. That’s enough for some peoples whole annual salary. These fuckers make a whole life on skating by and not paying shit because someone will let them pass because they are white.

Good journalism cost money. Through ads or subscriptions. Always has

Well when you have the wealthy front the cost for people who are pretending to be wealthy...

Okay some i’m not crazy.

You mean the fight for $45 right?. I gotta make sure the goalpost stays on the wheels right.

Is it one of those the internet is not real life things?

This is it exactly. I wonder is he mad that some people going to get closer to $5000 in direct cash?

They odd way of spelling Police

Oh thats some dumb MF’s

Hey Now! We lose latine kids all the time too.

It gets better,

Gerrymandering. The GOP will fight to make Georgia like Wisconsin.

Then it’s all trash and you need get a group of your like minded friends and storm the capitol. Let me know how that works out.

It might lift your heart to know that Democrats are aware of the Republican bullshit this time around.

My bad the post their post history only shows the quotes they clipped from reasonable people and not the bS they added underneath. Couldn’t see his tiny trump sign on mobile.

Or they move to Atlanta

Until you get hit with one of those once in a generation financial events that seem to happen every 10 years.

Pod Save Guys are pretty good.