One would be amazed at what you can do legally with money.
One would be amazed at what you can do legally with money.
Yeah most of the times they just grind up the Trees and use them as landfill cover. Its like win win.
Right dangerous fucker that has facilitated war crimes and probably hunts people for sport.
She is so much less accomplished than her brother. She is just stupid with money. He is smart evil.
5 strips on average
It’s not.
That’s one large and regular order of bacon. I have spent a not insignificant amount of time in a Waffle Houses
Those campaigns are nowhere near underfunded. It reaches a point where you are only wasting money on ads. Ossoff and Warnock are heavy focused on ground game and GOTV. It takes about 50 Million to make a serious statewide play in Georgia. Both side have amassed well over 100 million each for this fight.
Thats easy. By not being lazy. Look at Bowman, Bush and AOC. They all won because their opponents got lazy. On the Democratic side of the aisle, the money issue has finally been solved. So that they new players don’t have to be so beholden to large donors and the DNC/DCCC/DSCC. That said this money isn’t applied…
Tyson Fury 6'9"
The government work you were referencing was the massive WW2 mobilization. WPA and other New Deal items weren’t sufficient to pull out of the great depression.
Fastest we ever got a vaccine developed was for Polio. It was not a perfect vaccine. The last time we rushed a vaccine for an election was 1976 and the side effects were terrible.
Have you tasted Most American food? No one should trust us on anything. we basically spent 200 years eating whatever would fit into our craws.
I feel as though that will have the long term effect of suppressing GOP votes so win?
Dude’s still a left wing grifter. I will gladly have Pelosi out and someone more progressive in her place. Just not someone that’s obviously on the take.