I say leave it up build another monument around it celebrating the fall of the confederacy. and fully detail the whole history about the statue to the traitor the United States inside. Also detail the judge who kept the statue in place.
I say leave it up build another monument around it celebrating the fall of the confederacy. and fully detail the whole history about the statue to the traitor the United States inside. Also detail the judge who kept the statue in place.
Notice that they brought him in alive.
As one of those black people who had to lay in hospital for 3 days with no pain medication or no pain script after discharge after having major abdominal surgery; I have only a little bit more trust in docs than cops https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/how-we-fail-black-patients-pain
They also shot up the car of innocent bystanders because it was “blue”.
Actually hospitals move heaven and earth (and doctors) around to avoid the liability. They will and have shuffled doctors around after they screw up and main/kill patients.
Protesting is getting the localities to look at what they are actually paying for, and addressing that.
Maybe those suits are like Ironman armor. You know bulletproof, choke hold proof, and proof against white supremacy
One thing people are forgetting is that she knew all this before he was elected.
It is astounding how shit police are at their jobs. Like let’s take race out of the equation (we will put it back in a minute). How do you let man who is so inebriated and tired that they passed out behind the wheel of a car, disarm you and run away.
Literally the only times i contact the police. Calling the police for an emergency is like gas of a fire. Only gonna make it worse.
Six Flags over Georgia used to have one.
YEah but you got some random white chick using Rayshard Brooks’ death for some cause other than justice. I don’t give a shit about Wendy’s building either but this doesn’t even express outrage or move the police/injustice cause forward.
Down here in GA the state troopers are supposed to supplement and support the more rural municipalities. In reality they just patrol atlanta . Which has the .largest police force in the state
Makes you wonder what they were talking about when they shut down for Race training.
Worse thing about Florida is when it flips you just can’t forget about it. You have to keep poking and nudging that asshole state.