Waffle Saadiq

The Latinx population is younger, larger, and very well can deliver Texas to the Democratic party. At which This grey is getting to the gist of what I am saying. We have these political creatures in office for decades and they have not delivered. Now we are at the point where black political power is starting to fade

One thing I am afraid and we are seeing this election cycle is the revealing that black political power is a bit of a paper tiger. Our black political class is showing that they for sale and damaging themselves in ways that are not palatable to younger black voters.

Now we got to have a BBQ fight.

I’m always staring at my neighbors to the Northeast like WTF but they still my people.

I cannot find any fault for this well researched and honest listing. Firmly grounded in reality for all candidates. Doesn’t shit on any one.

I think we know.

No VP has been “Fired”. Nixon did ask for Spiro Agnew to resign.

So we going all the way back to 1980

I’m pretty much convinced the at this point  that CDWag14 is either Jason Johnson or a group account that the root staff uses as an alter-ego when they want to wade in on stuff with the direct heat.

I don’t always agree with you but ::digital high five::

Closest you get is Bernie talking about climate change and the effect on communities of color.

You can’t eat BK fries without it

Are non-criminal, educated, middle-class black people invisible?

Thanks for Chiming in. The one thing i find important is remembering that the candidates are still people and have other non-politicos that can speak for them.

I’m going to get give her the benefit of the doubt but I feel like she is just looking to collect some of that Bloomberg money. Lately,  we have black politicians coming out of the wood work not for calling of civil service but to collect a check.

The sorrow and pain.

One of the main draws to 2008 Obama was how he didn’t appear to be connected to the black political class. They all have been letting black people down since then 90's.