Waffle Saadiq

But are there more of you than it is them?

Sadly She isn’t. I have seen that type of nonsense in foster homes also.

Monday Morning is terrible for flying out. Every IT consultant in the city is flying out Monday Morning. Nothing will save you. Not Clear. Not Pre-Check, Not Jesus.

No one is going to Macon for anything.

No one is driving 1.5 hours to Macon for a hotdog

Isn’t that was libertarian always meant?

I saw this late one night in like 2001. I described it to people and they thought I was drunk or high.

Sadly no. Andrew Gillum ran a shit campaign in Florida with no real organization and but spent a lot of time pretending he had his shit together. Now Stacey Abrams, that seat was stolen.

I took your advice they greys are good for entertainment today.

Random Black dude checking in. From my observation we are very wary of black politicians that come and beg for votes then do nothing and even side again against African Americans in their voting in programs. These people are almost impossible to get out office once they get in. For example Rep David Scott 13th GA

Help Me understand the whole concept of Moderate. What kept you and your wife from voting Democratic previously and what turns you off from trump? No sarcasm

He would sure up some of her weaknesses on race issues

Just had Poke for lunch. Thanks to your comment I am no longer feeling it.

Don’t for get about this one

Why you talking about Kamala Harris like that?

Lets be honest. The only time Cheez whiz is good is on a Philly.

Tavern style all the way

Tavern style all the way

I know im wrong but I though this was a picture of Kirsten Gillibrand