Waffle Saadiq

I always figured she took a step back (less intense roles and voice work)  to do some parenting.Glad to see her front and center again.

Didn’t they try that in 1814?

Someone how this seems like fetish porn.

I wouldn’t mind watching a spinoff with Lawrence and seeing how his story unfolds.

Choice the Show made

How long have you been saving that one?

Okay it wasn’t just me who saw that.

Now you know they don’t have to kneel. Can’t force someone to protest, but if they had a hand in getting the other girls off the team interfering with their right to protest then eff em. I rather have someone stand beside me that wholeheartedly agrees rather than because they feel social pressure.

Not in this season

Royal Blue?  ::ducks:: I will show myself out.

One thing I learned in life is if you can’t offer an immediate solution then its best to not say anything.

Gonna be a great civil suit.

The ballots would just pile up and get “lost” in GA

Go full Killmonger and get a brand for every book.

They gave him the option of pressing charges and he didn’t take it!

As Native American as Elizabeth Warren


This is lose lose for that company. The women sue them the company has to prove they were hacked.  If they proved they were hacked then they have to tell all their clients of a possible HIPPA violations.

Can we replay it like that Trinidad James Song?