Do try it! The nephew is quite liberal. Remember, she married into the family so how she thought she had priority over the name is beyond me! The nephew does wonderful, liberal commentary for the local NPR station and the brewery had its own garden for the restaurant, going local, years ago. Drink their beer and…
I never understood: if women were not as good as men, why should we listen to anything Phyllis said?
I worked my ass off as a young to get the ERA passed. Phyllis got evolved with all her big money backing and did a ton of damage. Why? As she said, “women need to have the freedom to choose the role of wife and mother”.
Oh, good. I’m so glad she got to lose right before she died.
She got pushed out of her leadership post at the Eagle Forum because she supported Trump. Her own daughter did most of the pushing.
Yup. She sued her... nephew I think for trying to use the Schlafly name for his brewery because being associated with alcohol was unchristian and would hurt her image. She lost.
I understand not always aligning with feminist but this lady wasn’t just anti feminist she was anti women. She must have some serious self hate all those years she wasn't born with testicles.
They didn’t love her. She was suing them for using the Schlafly name for their own businesses.
The good die young.
Better late than never.
you should always say something good about the dead: she’s dead, good.
Yeah, the intent is good, but it just discourages women from seeking pre-natal care. That puts the fetuses/eventual babies even more at risk.
Exactly! Why do people think that sending people to jail for addictive behavior is going to make them stop? Are these the same people who think shaming fat people is going to make them lose weight?
I thought the old "evolutionary" argument is that there wasn't enough pussy so men had to rape to get it???? I swear some senior mansplained that to me in a seminar when I was a freshman to my utter disgust and headdesk-ing. Hard to keep up with rape apologist logic over the years.
"Moral hazard", or "Attractive nuisance"?
Someday "she'll" rip of the mask and Andy Kaufman will reveal his greatest bit ever.
Excess Pussy Creates Moral Hazard
wait so like