Mark McGwire Breastfeeding Fantasy

Her waist can't be that small. It just isn't fucking possible.

likely Photoshopped

'hey pop, i have terrible taste in music' is how it should start.

all baby boys, at the time of birth, have huge nuts. It has to do with the hormones present at birth. Look, I have two sons, and BOTH of them had giant nut sacks when they we bo.....WAIT A MINUTE!

"I kept asking Mike was this boy funny? 'No, Daddy, no."

Totally agree. And Rose detractors really can't point to Kevin McHale either as a similar example and say, "WELL MCHALE WOULDVE PLAYED, ROSE IS JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE WUSSIFICATION OF AMERICA," because McHale was playing in playoff games with that bad foot and then it just never properly healed. Then of course

thats the problem with this whole thing...was it a clumsy statement? probably, Derrick isn't a great public speaker...that's not secret. But what you said "he ALMOST sounds like..." is the problem...people are guessing what he meant...putting their own (usually biased) spin on it...when its just a really rational

Rosenbloom on Rose: Bloom is off Rose

Hey Chicagoans....we all guessed it was Rosenbloom, right?

Need a t-shirt canon to shoot from the turret.

Isn't there a rule about quarterback brothers being on the same team? So if the season crashes and burns their mother doesn't have to get two letters?

I played junior high football and spent most of the time riding the bench. Anyone who's ever been on a meaningless football team knowing they probably would never see the field in a game knows that it sucks something fierce. Especially practice. Why am I doing these windsprints? Why am I getting my ass kicked by the

And as revenge Koy told his Mom about the black and white newspaper lingerie ad Ty keeps under his mattress to fap to.

It's incredible, to me, the number of Bronco fans who desperately want this guy. Nobody is pleased with our run game, and I fully acknowledge that. But when you look at his rap sheet since college... think about the destruction of his own Ferrari with a baseball bat in March... look at how much shit he's caused at

good thing I've got 4 campaigns to play. As long as the multiplayer player isn't broke for a month

Well thankfully I have 4 awesome campagins to keep me busy.

His receivers also find ways to get open quickly. The routes that the Panthers run take about 5 minutes to develop, and by then Cam is toast. Watch how quickly Rodgers gets rid of the ball

Not a Cam fan at all, but even that couldn't stop me from thinking this after awhile.

As a Panthers fan, I hope our shitty franchise gets rid of the guy during the off-season so he can have the career he deserves with a real team/Oline. The guy is a pro-bowl caliber quarterback and our GM thought it'd be a great idea to sign Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson to block for him. The worst part is, half of our

You and I both know if Newton had stayed down, that everyone in his own locker room would have thought of him as a fig.