Mark McGwire Breastfeeding Fantasy

Teddy is right in there with Maru the cat in my heart.

I want one as a prop. Completely fake, like plastic fruit. My roommate has the memory of a goldfish, he'd go apoplectic within a week.

About 1994.

I’m a transplant from Denver living in South Carolina right now. People here are absolutely wonderful in small doses. I interact with the public every day, and it’s almost always nothing but nice with the exception of the following: Anything regarding race, sex, or religion (obviously), old money elites and fucking


Well put!

You replace Labatt’s with Guinness and follow it up with a bowl of ice cream and you’ve just described my dinner.

No doubt IMHO.

While not as.. “challenging” as GR, two other books that work great to start some book reading momentum are Dune and House of Leaves. They’re both, imo, amazingly good reads, and can definitely bump your reading speed (never really cared about this, I'm a relatively.slow reader) and comprehension up a notch or two.

The World Wasn't Ready For The Sideburns Don Wore!

Shhhh, they’re busy riding the Panthers wave.

I like you.

oof, yeah, growing up in Denver, I lived for these games. Claude’s hit on Chris Draper was amazingly dirty, but I couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

If there was one thing I learned having 90% of my family tree trimmed before I had my first child, it’s to never, ever take what you have for granted, and to always tell those you care about how much they mean to you. I have two and a half kids (one eight year old daughter, one four year old son, and one 12 year old,

One of my coworkers has a 2001 Ram 1500 4x4 with a 360. He has 33x12s on it and wants to go bigger, once it’s paid off. He has never taken it off-road. He called into work on a snow day. Why? He was concerned that because the tread on his front tires are more worn than his rears, and that might throw off his final

I fucking love you.

Good luck man. I lost my mother to cervical cancer when I was nine and recently found out that after a year of treatment, that I will likely lose my battle with colon cancer. My thoughts are with you and your mom, even if i dont know either you. Much love.

Same. Way to go Gawker meta-data.

Growing up as a baseball-loving kid in the 90s, this is what I aspired to. That is until the broken wrist and years of injuries and nerve tonic abuse allegations.

Damn, I was excited there for a minute until i saw the ad was gone. Columbus isn’t too far away (this was USA Georgia, right?) and I’m shopping for something cheap and to add to the collection of cheap and unique jalopies I’m putting together in the parking lot of my work.