I'll give you a star, but take away half for alliteration gone too far.
I'll give you a star, but take away half for alliteration gone too far.
So you've deprived yourself of Rayman games (Raving Rabbids, Origins, Legends), Assassins Creed (two of which were damn good, and I give zero fucks about the series), Just Dance (easier though not as good as Dance Central), Far Cry and a plethora of great mobile games for 7 years just because of a bad Splinter Cell…
Bad taste in beer, maybe? Or maybe its not his beer. Maybe he's taking it from someone and replaced it with something less crappy. Yeah, I prefer to think of it that way.
This is exactly what was going through my mind while I was skimming through the video, and listening to people talk while hoping to eventually come across from people fighting while falling through the air, which disappointed me when I finally came to it.
R.I.P. in piece, Owen Good.
Half the time they offer to give me cash outside the store so they can get their mitts on my game at a cheap price.
No, and I imagine you and I are not alone in this. I usually find myself looking at the scroll bar on long reads throughout Deadspin, Jalopnik, Kotaku and io9, no matter how interesting the article is. This time I looked over and felt supreme disappointment that it appeared I was nearing the end.
My brother would go nuts for that. He loves the voice controls on my Xbox One, but doesn't play any Kinect games (I do, however), so he's divided on which version to buy.
This, and the method mentioned in the article both apply to hotwings, as well. In fact, doing it either way will make them absolutely amazing.
I was banned from taking my Hatsune Miku cuddle pillow on road trips with my highschool football team, no matter how many times I tried to explain that she is not my girlfriend, she is my waifu.
That's the worst insult you've hurled at me yet; I am actually offended by this comment.
Anti-trust does not directly equal anti-consumer. The vast majority of the anti-trust claims had to do with them making it difficult, impossible or unnecessary for third parties to develop programs for Windows. It's actually the reason why it took Windows so long to have native image mounting, for example. Although…
I just said the same thing about my three year old and the idea of Sonic in Mario Kart 8. As far as this goes, though, I just pray he doesn't see it any time soon. I'm already having to deal with a Disney Infinity obsession, I can't afford another console.
Yeah I'm really waiting for that day. I can't really imagine how it would work, given the two completely different paces of the games, but I would love to see it. Maybe Mario gets a Sonic suit and goes really fast, while Sonic gets to benefit from mushroom addiction, and they end up starring in levels better suited…
You got me there. I totally forgot when Microsoft screwed me over as a consumer by... doing what now?
Oh yeah buddy. One of my good friends has been posting on average a selfie an hour from E3 today. I have several mirror pics of me cuddling my Xbox One as well.
Nearly all decisions Microsoft has made, long before making the original Xbox, are anti-consumer.
Point taken, but not all of my friends are working there. Two of them, I would assume, are there in a similar capacity as Ms. Simins. They've always managed to enjoy themselves. That being said, I know we all have a lot more fun at PAX, but that's sort of an obvious thing to state.
Well, in my defense I said "fairly bitter," not "extremely bitter." What I was referring to was Luke having fallen off the cliff of believing that Microsoft's initial choices for the Xbox One were anti-consumer, rather than just badly represented, and never really coming back up from it, as well as continuing to hold…
I have several friends there, press, industry and pleasure seekers, and I am jealous of each and every one of them. My Facebook feed and Twitter are blowing up with pictures from the uPlay lounge, booths, press events, all sorts of stuff. Smiling faces, exicitement abound. I'm not sure if you're being nitpicky and…