
Turdstacker would be a gay insult reclamation band name.

It's like when the Coyote finally caught the roadrunner, but the roadrunner was normal sized and the coyote was itsy bitsy teeny weenie.

Godzilla roar.
I begin to pour,
Lyrical Armageddon,
All about and I head in,
Pulling down lines,
Like atomic fire,
Spat from lips,
Unhesitant, quick.
When I light up my back
There'll be a major attack
And watch where I breathe
I got Mothra twins on their knees
Never mind the debris
I step where I please.

I tried four different meds before the fifth one started working, at four to five weeks each. The interim is brutal because as levels of one are going down the other is going up, and you can get weirdness. Sweating, drowsiness, etc. Even after you find the right one, you have to figure out the right dosage.

I worked at a six screen movie theater when Titanic came out. We had it on three screens for two months, then two screens for two months, then one screen for two months. It was ALWAYS sold out, right up until the last three weeks. I wanted people to die.

I actually saw the story elsewhere and thought "I'll go over to the AV Club now"

"Have you considered joining a church?"

Thanks, Scientology!

It's so normalized that I'll hit myself with it.
Most of the time I'll stop and realize, but sometimes I don't.
If those of us who suffer from illness, know better than to say this, and are the subject of the derision are still doing it, ugh, what hope do we have of solace from the general public?

"Go away, I'm drawing a force field around America!"
*scribbles with crayons*


The puppy is anti-Semitic

That's bad!

Its the difference between loudly announcing that you're donating to charity with a pointed stare on your face, indicating to those around you that they should also donate and loudly announcing the same, in order to elicit praise.

Being willing to communicate an ideal in small ways reinforces a social structure in which those ideals are the subject of conversation. I'm not saying that coexist bumper stickers are significant agents of positive effect, but they aren't actually a bad thing, and in a world a shit as this one, I'll take any small

That's a really generous telling of it.
My hot take? Daniel is a stalkery douchclown, who had he been born 20 years later would tip his fedora and say m'lady, wondering why the hot girl won't talk to him and then calling her a bitch.
Johnny was a douche-bro who took things to far and let his teenage hormone drama call

It has one good line in one acceptably dumb scene. Swank has been living at a vaguely buddhist temple because reasons. She leaves her boom box on and sitting around and the monks start dancing when the Cranberries come on. She looks at Myagi like "Buh-whaaaaa?". Myagi replies, "Never trust spiritual leader who


Busta Rhymes is an acceptable Sho'nuff, I think.

I'm gonna need more rope.